My marriage went wrong just lost my job.?

2009-06-11 7:28 am
I am 50k in debt with just 2 months salary.
Do I now sign the house over to my wife and file for bankruptsy.
Let her have the house at least, she also has my daughter.
Its a nightmare, I dont see what future there is really.
I am a graduate, i got taken for a ride.
Any suggestions other than this for me.
I am also goingto court next month to see if i can see my daughter whom i have not seen in 8 months.
What do i do, please give me respect don't be too harsh. My wife is a hard lady she has destroyed me. I am an honest caring nice guy and good father.

回答 (10)

2009-06-11 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Considering there is really nowhere else for you to turn, why not turn to God. My advice would be for you to establish a personal relationship with God as soon as possible. Through God you will find that the impossible can be made possible. In situations where all hope seems lost, it can be restored. I will keep you in my prayers. Peace and God bless.
2009-06-11 9:25 am
If you are already behind with your mortgage payments it may be too late to sign the house over to your wife. However, you are young you are a graduate and you do have a future. You are already sorting access to your daughter out so you do have hope. You must get financial advice before you make any decisions, curb the debt as much as you can and even though it seems insurmountable now it is in fact a sum that you will be able to eventually pay off. don't give up because by next month you could have a new job.
2009-06-11 9:17 am
What are the debts is it a mortgage lump sum or lots of little debts? Creditors could go after the house...can you sign it over to your it?
I am a graduate too and have lost 3 jobs in the last year and every time it happens i think oh no what now..but you gotta look for another job anything doesnt matter what just apply apply apply try agencies and stuff
Also go to the citizens advice web site they can help you
Most of all just try to concentrate on the good things in your life like your daughter and your health
2009-06-11 8:15 am
Hi Mate.
I'm in a similar situation. All I can offer you is support and words of comfort.
Get advice on the house, signing it over isnt free and what do YOU get out of it?
I realise that you head isnt on straight right now. Earlier this year I was prescribed drugs and sleeping tablets to help. I found self help books and support groups to be a better answer. Make lists and break down actions into manageable goals.
I Dont see the future either - So I'm living day to day. Right now its the only thing you can do. You and I are wondering round thinking 'what can I do to get out of this - to recover what I've lost' the answer is nothing.
So you and I have to learn to let it go.
We have noidea what tomorrow will bring - but it may be something good. Grab little joys with both hands.
Your situation regarding access to your daughter is appauling. Your financial sitation shold have NO bearing on that. I wish you luck in that.
I too am a caring guy and have been a hardworking good husband, but sometimes bad things happen to good people. Dont take responsibility for that. Also dont blame yourself for previous bad decisions and choices, they were made on the basis of best information and probably in good faith and love - they are not invalid. Just learn from them.
Good Luck
2009-06-11 7:53 am
Do not do anything about the house...while you are such a vulnerable state. Go any get some good legal advice asap....there could be a lot more options open to you .
2009-06-11 7:49 am
Screw that, try and sell off the house for more than whats owed on it once the house is paid off put half of that money into a trust that only your daughter can have at age 18 then pay your debt down. From what your saying she has gotten pretty much everything she has wanted and then some from you. Get yours where you can. Dont worry about your wife only worry about your daughter and yourself now. Apply at jobs you wouldnt normally take just to get a job some pay is better than no pay. Plus it will also look much better on you if you have applied at 30 places versus sitting at apartment on your as* thinking the court system is going to let you see your daughter when you have no means of feeding her when she is with you. It doesnt matter if its a fast food place. Just get a job and get money coming in. And also look for ways to start cutting spending, stop smoking, drinking, eating out. Keep your head up you will be ok after some time.
2009-06-11 7:42 am
Yes, you should go to a divorce lawyer, especially about the house.
Good luck.
2009-06-11 7:38 am
Go see a debt counselor and a lawyer asap! Why sign over the house you could still get enough out of it to help pay off debt? Did your wife help make this debt? You need to make a list of the things you can change and focus on the most important at this moment. You need sound advice from a professional. Please go to a lawyer asap! When we look at the whole picture at once it's overwhelming. Try and just focus on needs that are urgent. You can do this because you graduated! You produce a daughter that is worth fighting for right?
If you do nothing else at least let her know you love her. Parents think they have to bring ponies and presents, kids just want love.
YOU CAN DO THIS!! Good Luck!
2009-06-11 7:33 am

do whatever it takes to make sure your kid can grow up happy, healthy and emotionally together.
2009-06-11 7:33 am
Why not keep the house and put it in bankruptcy when you file...if she's already taken everything from you~ why should she get the house, too.??

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