Why can't i get over her?!!?

2009-06-11 6:56 am
me n ma last girl was going out for 3months but we was friends for like a year and a half. while we were going out i did everything for her. she even admits to not putting her all into what we had, or what we were trying to get, and now she says she doesn't want to be with me anymore. but the worst part is she's "in love" with some guy she met online. she never seen him before, they live in two different states. help me!!

but the only reason i did everything was because i wanted to show her a different lifestyle. i mean i'm not like super rich and living a perfect life but compared to her i am. her mom n dad r split, mines a married both with nice jobs. while hers....yea. she's never been on a vacation b4. i was just trying to show her how the world could be


deletin her # won't help, i kno it by heart lol. and even as friends i NEVER wanted a friendship. ever since i met her i been treatin her like i wanted her to be ma girl

回答 (16)

2009-06-11 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
You don't need her man. Tough, I know but don't talk to her or keep in contact with her. With time, it will go away and you will see how dumb the whole thing was. There are plenty of girls out there, especially the ones who want to stay around. This girl sounds so off, just by reading about her I couldn't possibly ever fall for her type.
2009-06-11 7:12 am
Don't get in touch with her no matter how hard you miss her. Don't you feel lucky you are not with her? How can you be in love with somebody with somebody in line. Sorry but you are going with the crazy girl. Don't get stuck there waiting for her. Maybe that was your problem, you did everything for her, that a no no. Move one and go out with other people. She is not worthy. You deserve a nice girl and if you stay there thinking about her, you are loosing the opportunity to meet someone else. God bless you and guide you.
2009-06-11 7:16 am
getting over someone takes time.she does'nt sound like she wants to be committed to one person.she just wants to date people.you're probably both young & have lots of living to do.maybe put your time and energy into a sport or hobby for now.take one day at a time.there's a better girl out there for you.keep goin'!! ;D
2009-06-11 7:07 am
You are in love with her.
but you don't need someone she doesnt even know what love is if she is love with a guy she has never even met the dude. So lets face the facts you seem as if you put a lot of effort in the relationship and that is great!! but she messed up she should be the on who cant get over you. You will find someone that will cherish all the effort you put in a relationship,,
2009-06-11 7:06 am
When you talk to someone online or by text or whatever, you say a lot of things that you wouldn't usually say if you were talking to them face to face. This guy who she is supposedly "in love" with probably isn't all that great. Try to keep a friendship with her, but I know that you are probably really hurt about the whole thing right now. I'm sorry :(
2009-06-11 7:06 am
hey man i know how u feel. The same exact thing happened to me. i gave my ex everything and she threw it all away. heres the best advice ive got for u and what im doin to forget my ex, DONT TALK TO HER AT ALL. delete her phone # and everything, the more u talk the more u'll remember and the more u'll get hurt. i know it sounds harsh but its the best way, trust me man.
2009-06-11 7:05 am
Ha, sadly, I sort of feel your pain. I had a "thing," i guess you could say, with a guy who had a girlfriend that he only communicated with online and over the phone. He had actually only met her in person once, but he refused to break up with her no matter what!

Just move on, and flirt with other girls. She'll get jealous because she will eventually get tired of not even being able to see this guy. If you pretend like you're over it, she won't feel that security she feels now, and she'll freak. I promise.
參考: personal experience.... unfortunately.
2009-06-11 7:05 am
you can't get over her because enough time has not passed. if she didn't put work into it before chances are she won't again. and if this lady has fallen for a guy she hasn't met yet it probably says a lot about how much she values your relationship and your feelings.

let her go. if she comes back make it on your terms. to get over her start doing things you like with people you like. slowly but surely im sure you will find life more bearable again.
2009-06-11 7:05 am
I don't think that you can get over her cuz you've known her for a yr already. Supposedly it takes 1/2 the time that you were w/ the person to get over them. So it "should" take you 1.5 mos... or maybe even 6 mos. I think that I may actually be over my ex ! (3 yr rel, took 20 mos to get over him -more than 18)

I think that you're just gonna have to try to accept that she "loves" :s this new guy. How can you love someone you've never even met, right ? She's already said that she doesn't wanna be w/ you anymore so you're just gonna have to do the only thing that you CAN do... & try to move on. I know it's easier said that done but it's the 1st 2 wks that are the hardest (well for me anywayz). If you weren't friends w/ her prior to being w/ her it'd be easier. Good luck.
2009-06-11 7:01 am
dude i'm so sorry to hear that. best thing i can say is let her go see him and still be there for her when things don't work out with that other dude.

but best way to get over her is delete her from your life. everything text call myspace pics everything. it helps

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