christians, is it true that god allows men to beat their wives if they haven't been loyal?

2009-06-10 8:28 pm
Something like

"if your girl acts a fool, it's aight to bust a cap"

spatula 3:16

回答 (18)

2009-06-10 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of course it is, but they'll never admit it.

If a man has sex with his wife and her mother, burn to death all three -- Lev. 20:14

"As a wife treacherously departeth from her husband ..." If a woman leaves her husband, she is "treacherous," but a man is blameless when he "puts her away" for no reason. -- Jer. 3:20
2009-06-11 3:35 am
You don't really want to know the truth do you? You just want to try and be funny- but you know something you are not. Instead of "making fun" of scripture, why don't you actually read it and see what a relationship between a husband and wife should be. A husband is to love his wife, like the Lord loves the church- so to answer your question, even though you really don't want an answer- NO NO NO.
2009-06-11 3:34 am
You must have the Christians mixed up with the Muslims.
2009-06-11 3:43 am
It's never all right to strike a woman. I've only been hit once by a man. He's dead now.
2009-06-11 3:41 am
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5
2009-06-11 3:38 am
There's no "Book of Spatula" in the Bible.

There IS, however, a story in the NT where Jesus forgives a woman who has not been loyal to her husband. The people are about to stone her to death, and Jesus said, "He among you that has no sin, let him cast the first stone."

See the point I'm trying to make???

Plus, it's kinda against the law...
2009-06-11 3:53 am
Advanced Troll, 8/10, would read again.
2009-06-11 3:38 am
Think of it more as when you want something or you want to do something and your wife says "Go ahead, do whatever you want"....and then you do it anyways. If you've been married for a while, you know that "do whatever you want" means do what you want but your'e going to have to pay for it later.

So...God's gonna have a smack down that's ten times worse than what that guy did to his wife.
2009-06-11 3:59 am
UNDER THE NEW COVENANT THAT WE LIVE UNDER TODAY ALL THINGS ARE PERMISSABLE BUT NOT ALL THINGS PROFITABLE,murder is permissable but you could spend the rest of your life in prison,or put to death! god is dealing with us on disiplain for the game ahead.christ took all punishment for all sin at the cross and ushered in the covenant of grace,to the lost they are still under the law (ten comandments) the law is to show the lost that there face is dirty so they can turn to jesus christ!
參考: Chris Hansen
2009-06-11 3:34 am
Seeing as the punishment for adultery, husband or wife, was death... I suppose so.

I think anyone cheating on their spouse should get their *** kicked for being so insensitive.

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