What accent do you hate ?

2009-06-10 12:46 pm

回答 (25)

2009-06-10 2:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Anything too strong for us Kiwis to understand.
2009-06-10 7:58 pm
Miley Cyrus's.
2009-06-10 8:31 pm
The one that Matthew McCoughghgauanaohghy has.

Yes. I can spell.
2009-06-10 7:53 pm
British Liverpudlian. Everything finishes as a high pitched whine.
2009-06-10 7:51 pm
2009-06-10 8:25 pm
I agree with i wanna be a classical pianist.
Stupid wannabe home boy's.
2009-06-10 7:51 pm
EDIT: Woah, I misread the question. I thought it said "what accent do I have". What accent do I hate? Well, the "accent" of the "IDK my BFF Jill" types if you want to call it such.
2009-06-10 7:57 pm
2009-06-11 12:04 am
Mexican Accent
2009-06-10 8:42 pm
every accent are nice all have their unique personality.

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