it means to you”點解?

2009-06-11 2:39 am
it means to you”點解?

回答 (3)

2009-06-11 10:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
it means to you”點解?

1) be important to you

You mean ( a lot) to me. = You are very important to me.

2) Be meaningful

Studying English means (a lot) to me.


You may say the following as well.

You mean the world to me.

Studying English means the world to me.

2009-06-11 09:48:40 補充:
Studying English= It

It means the world to me.

It means to me.

It means a lot to me.

It is important to me.

2009-06-11 09:49:54 補充:
It is meaningful to me.

2009-06-20 13:22:45 補充:
[email protected]( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-06-18 15:27:18 投票編號 002
[email protected]( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-06-18 14:39:56 投票編號 002
[email protected]( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-06-18 14:25:42 投票編號 002
[email protected]( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-06-18 14:22:21 投票編號 002

2009-06-20 13:22:53 補充:
[email protected]( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-06-18 11:49:24 投票編號 002
[email protected]( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-06-18 11:38:56 投票編號 002
Marshmallow( 小學級 1 級 ) 2009-06-16 11:41:08 投票編號 002
[email protected]( 初學者 5 級 ) 2009-06-19 16:06:09 投票編號 002

2009-06-20 13:24:20 補充:
Marshmallow( 小學級 1 級 ), YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS FORUM!!!

2009-06-20 13:25:51 補充:
You claimed that you are a secondary school student.

You are also a disgrace to your school!

2009-06-20 13:34:30 補充:
Your indecent acts have cast a dark shadow on the entire Internet.

I suggest you go back to where you belong and spend more time studying
instead of cheating and hurting innocent folks with your nasty primary 5 IDs.

2009-06-20 13:44:49 補充:
Try to heal the shame that blinds you and purge your conscience!
You are probably shame-based and you've done nothing about it. This will get you nowhere- it will only make you waste more of your time showing people how moronic and rotten you can be.

2009-06-20 13:48:06 補充:
Take my advice with smiles! I am dead certain that you'll benefit a great deal from it.

2009-06-11 7:59 am
it means to you”點解?
2009-06-11 2:45 am
參考: me

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