river energy in lower course

2009-06-10 10:21 pm
我本書就話there are the largest energy in lower course
但我想問吓deposition唔係係less energy嗰陣先出現嫁咩??
甘why deposition occur in lower course ??

回答 (3)

2009-06-11 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The lower course of a river has the largest (kinetic) energy because of the high river discharge and velocity.
However, deposition occur in the lower course as the slope of the river bed become gentle that encourage deposition of river loads. Increase in deposition may reduce the velocity of the river and hence less energy brought by the river. Compare to the upper and middle courses of the river, there is a very large river discharge and less friction produced by the rough river bed (rough river bed incresae friction and lower the river velocity) in the lower course that can produce huge energy although increase in river loads hinder the river flow.
Also, depodsition takes place at the river bed which will not affect the surface river flow.
Therefore, the largest energy found is in the lower course of a river.
2009-06-21 12:57 am
deposition occurs in the lower course because of the change of gradient.

2009-06-20 17:03:37 補充:
"the largest energy" refers to the volume of sediments that carried by the river.
lower course > upper course
2009-06-12 4:22 am
參考: 之前我到諗左好耐XD

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