我很激氣這間死人公司HR話每月7號出薪, 但是5月份的量今日5:45分鐘是一張劃線支票, 即是我要9號先拿到錢!!!
1) HK$XXXX per month (on 12mths' basis in a year), to be payable usually on 1st day of each mth.
Overtime Pay: Not eligible for overtime pay. You are required to
complete the assignments and/or daily duties within the working hours.
3) Working Days and Hours: Normal work hrs:Mon to Fri (9:00am to 6:00pm). Trade Show Events & Other Marketing may vary.
4) Travel to China is required.
** 日日做到7,8點放工 , 忙碌到午飯要1:30先吃飯2點開工, 每日看Outlook, Gmail, Skyper與廠對話, Fax 送samples, photos, testing for some toys, receptionist, outgoing to Bank, assist to Merchandisor and follow to PMC ordrer ............... 真的過份!!!**
老闆第一天上班話: 妳打過大, 中公司應該Shipping experience,ok, 所以妳會有大多餘時間assist to Merchandiser and follow to PMC (cn), admin duties, ERP system 買了4年沒有在香港用, 現在先作出PI, PO.. 要我run, 想辦法改進 (I'm no programmer, IT ).............超發神經!!!
Interview時沒有講這樣的, 只是說若公司接到多訂單可能須要星期六半天工作!! 現在我要阿Q精神當作partime job先可以安慰自己!!!!!!!忍忍!!! 我努力加油搵一份合理的工..........
一班好朋友話: 暫時忍下呢個死人老細, 等環境好d, 搵過份正常的工. 到時您可以大大聲同個死人老細講,唔好留我, 外面大把環境, 同你 say good bye 都歉嘥氣!