最近小妹的國外客人要求驗廠. C-TPAT, 有下列問題需要改善 :
1) The finshed products were stored in final product area without proper protection, procedure was not established to prevent unapproved finished products being switched with or placed with acceptable products. 在成品區沒有適當的保護措施, 並未建立流程來防止不符合規定或未經核可的產品取代或替換已接受的產品
2) Goods cargo were stored in a open area, employees were free to access without proper protection. 貨物是否放在員工可自由進出開放區物而無適當的防護措施 ?
3)If the facility has a card access, fingerprint recognition or similar electrohic identification system, is a documented oprocedure in place to service and test the system ?
若工廠有門禁, 指紋辨識器或是類似的電子辨識系統是否有相關服務及測試流程紀錄
問題一 : 請幫我看翻譯, 對嗎 ?
問題二 : 第一句的的 Finished product 及第二句的 Goods Cargo 差別在哪 ?
問題三 : 第三句. 因為工廠只有監視器. 請問監視器有啥資料可以提供 ? 還是我要怎抹回答阿?
害怕驗廠沒過的小女子 留 ︿︿ |||