生完bb後月經冇以前咁準, 係咪正常呢?

2009-06-10 6:33 am
生完bb四個月零三日開始月經, 等了39日先再有月經, 但又隔了35日都未有月經來......

但係我打從有月經開始以來, 每個月都好正常的, 相隔日數不少於28日, 多亦不多於33日.


呀, 不過我個女一直有食我d人奶, 只係我d奶唔係好夠, 所以最初三個多月都係人奶和奶粉參半, 之後亦都少左餵人奶......不過上個月我依然維持住至少一日餵一次. 唔知咁樣會唔會有影響呢?

回答 (2)

2009-06-12 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自己
2009-06-10 5:00 pm
When I had my baby, I had my "1st period" around the 3rd month after the baby is borned. After that, my period was not regular until my baby became 6-7 months old. I think it's normal because your body has to adjust the changes of hormone after the baby is borned. I don't think breast feeding has too much affect on your period. This is my persional experience. If you worry, you can consult an OB. Congratulations to you and your family. Hope you and your baby are well.

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