
2009-06-10 5:17 am
但今年會去UK個邊讀six form
Econ, Maths, Phy, 同Further Maths
我好想入LSE ge Management

我想問如果我要讀LSE ge management
因為我猶豫緊讀唔讀個邊ge further maths...定係轉其他科讀?

回答 (2)

2009-06-11 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫 =]
1) 如果你係揀左further maths呢, 因為好多大學都係唔計, 當maths同佢係同一科既, 如果你係想係果一邊讀一d 同accounting, science既野呢, 讀further maths會好一d, 因為我而家係大學讀緊science, 冇further maths真係要花多好多effort落去既....
2) 我知道lse係好睇HKCEE既成績, 就算你考得好好既A-level, 你冇好既hkcee, 都係入唔到, 俾人reject 的, 所以要睇番了, 我個幾個fd, 就係因為佢地既hkcee考得唔好, 所以就算有gce有幾多個A都入唔到, 反而讀gcse果d, 個個10a*, 6a* 果一d 就入到, 所以呢, 要報的話, 要做好preparation, 即係寫好個cv, 多一d work experience, 咁就會好好多既...
3) 因為講左呢, furthermaths同maths只係當一科, 所以好多時呢, 都係唔會drop既... 如果你讀further maths, 到左a2, 都要carry on的, 變左會冇咁secure... 反而如果你係讀其他呢, 去到A2, 你可以drop一科. 咁會好d, 因為大學都係睇3個A2...
4) 讀management, suggest你而家呢個combination就ok了, 但可以加多個science, 好似chem咁.. 咁呢, 你上到去A2, 你可以唔讀furthermaths (因為furthermaths cover一d maths既野, 如果你考左maths自己既paper, drop左佢, 就可以早d 完成maths 既gce a-level既course), 剩下既時間就去睇econ, phy同chem, 咁會好好多既...."
5) 呀... 提提你... 中文係唔計的 = =" 同埋ielts最好有7分以上, 咁個chance會大一d :D
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的 =]

2009-06-10 18:34:36 補充:
噢..."" 咁如果你有A. maths的話, 可以讀furthermaths 作為你既5th subject呢, 咁會輕鬆d既 :D
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-06-10 3:19 pm
LSE has too many management course, not sure which course are you talking about.
If you want to looking by yourself, you could go to to search the course and their requirment.

But I am interest, why you wouldn't take Accounting or Business instead of Phy if you want to apply to LSE?

2009-06-10 20:42:51 補充:
For maths and further maths.
In uk a full alevel subjuect need to takes 6 papers and maths , further maths is not count as one subject. It counts as 2. Since A level maths is easy, many top uni would offer their course to their study those has further maths.

2009-06-12 20:11:06 補充:
Ont thing I would like to say, If you have alevel further maths. you will have a bigger chance to get in top school. It s untrue for others say' maths and further maths will count as ONE subject.

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