metal & minerals

2009-06-10 3:05 am
我想問下metal 同minerals既分別係咩

回答 (4)

2009-06-10 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mineral is naturally ocurred complex metallic oxides. When the rock is formed under high heat & high pressure, metallic elements react with non-metallic elements to form complex metal oxides. From the mineral we analyse the % of metal contents, if the rock contains high % of let say iron, then it is the mineral of iron metal. From there the mineral of iron, a series of chemical proceses are designed to reduce the complex oxides to pure metal--iron.
2009-06-10 8:59 pm
metal可以係element / mixture
一般我地用的係alloy(mixture of 2 or more metal)
metal element 係 m.p and b.p high, hard and stong, malleable and ductile, can conduct electricity

而minerals係一d metal compound
mostly found in ores(mixture of metal compound)
minerals係由metal compound form,可在molten state通電!
2009-06-10 3:41 am
metal is金屬,mineral is礦物質

一個是物件, 一個是元素.
參考: my mum
2009-06-10 3:26 am
metal is金屬製品,mineral is礦物質
參考: Dr.eye

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