
2009-06-10 12:31 am
There are three types of taxis serving in different parts of Hong Kong:urban taxis,NT taxis.Urban taxis are red and they serve city areas.NT
taxis are green and they serve Tuen Mun,Yuen Long,Tai Po,North
District,Ma On Shan and most areas of Sai Kung.Lantau taxis are blue and they serve Lantau lsland and Chek Lap Kok only.

Each taxis may carry up to five passengers.A child under three yesrs
old is not counted as one.All passengers must wear seat belts
including pregnant women.

There is a 24-hour free hotline service for finding lost things on taxis.You may call 1872920.

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. How many types of taxis are serving in Hong Kong?
2. What are the names of taxis in Hong Kong?
3. Mrs Lee is having a baby.Does she need to wear a seat belt?
4. Where do red taxis serve?
5. How many passengers may a taxi take?
6. A person left a purse in taxi.What can he/she do to find it?

*The End*

回答 (5)

2009-06-10 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. How many types of taxis are serving in Hong Kong?
There are 3 types of taxies in Hong Kong.
2. What are the names of taxis in Hong Kong?
_They are urban taxis and NT taxis, Lantau Taxis
3. Mrs Lee is having a baby.Does she need to wear a seat belt?
Yes, refer to the law, all passengers must wear seat belts.
4. Where do red taxis serve?
Red taxis serve the city areas.
5. How many passengers may a taxi take?
A taxi may take people but not including children under 3 years oldor elderly.
6. A person left a purse in taxi.What can he/she do to find it?
He/she can call 24-hour free hotline service for finding the lost purse. The number is 1872920.

2009-06-14 15:57:51 補充:
係under 3 years old or elderly over 65 years old.
2009-06-14 2:02 am
1. Three.
2. Urban, NT and Lantau.
3. Absolutely.
4. They serve city areas.
5. A taxi may take up to five passengers.
(請留意,“up to” 在此句的重要性,just because a taxi may take only 1 passenger, or 3, or 5)
6. He/She can call the 24-hour free hotline at 1872920.

順帶一題, 原文有不能原諒的錯處如下:
- There are three types of taxis serving in different parts of Hong Kong:urban taxis, NT taxis AND LATAU TAXIS (漏了大嶼山的士!)
- Each TAXI may carry up to five passengers (單數!)
- A child under three YEARS old (串錯字!)
參考: hkslot
2009-06-12 2:05 am


1.How many types of taxis are serving in Hong Kong?

There are three types of taxis are serving in Hong Kong.

2. What are the names of taxis in Hong Kong?

They are urban taxis,NT taxis and Lantau taxis.

3. Mrs Lee is having a baby.Does she need to wear a seat belt?

Yes, she needes to wear a seat belt.

4. Where do red taxis serve?

The red taxis serve in city areas.

5. How many passengers may a taxi take?

A taxi may takes five passengers.

6. A person left a purse in taxi.What can he/she do to find it?

He/She can call 1872920, the 24-hour free hotline service for finding lost things on taxis.

*The End*
2009-06-10 6:55 am


2009-06-10 12:47 am
1.Three types of taxis are serving in Hong Kong.
2.Their names are urban taxis and NT taxis.
3.Yes. (All passengers must wear seat belts including pregnant women.)(you can not write this.)
4.They serve city areas.
5.A taxis may take five passengers.
6.She can call 1872920.
參考: by me

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