
2009-06-09 11:46 pm
大家好!本人想養雪橇狗,而且想由BB 階段開始。除了寵物店外,還有什麼途徑可以購買or領養呢?

回答 (3)

2009-06-10 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
You could buy from breeder, I would recommand you a buy a puupy from a recommanded breeder. Usually, they are very helpful could give a lot of helps on how to bring up the puppy.
領養: There are couples animal welfare, I can't tell you wich has and which doesn't has. As you know the dog breed is random collected.

雪橇狗 I am not sure which breed are you talking about. It s because there are couples breeds of sled dog. 雪橇 mean sled. But I guessing you are talking about Siberain Husky. Please do your homework, It s husky is not everyone dog and it s not very suitable for 1st dog.
2009-06-11 10:48 pm
2009-06-11 6:10 am
體型 : 雄犬高度是二十一至二十三吋,體重是四十五至六十磅之間;雌犬為二十至二十二吋,體重為三十五至五十磅之間。
頭部 : 頭型合乎身軀大小比例。
眼睛 : 呈杏仁形,雙眼距離適中及稍微傾斜。眼睛可以是啡色或藍色,又或者其中一隻眼是以上顏色亦可。
耳朵 : 大小適中,呈三角形,豎立並緊貼於頭部,耳背呈拱形,耳內長有豐厚的毛。
鼻子 : 毛色為灰色、黃褐或黑色,鼻子會呈黑色;古銅毛色的,鼻子呈肝褐色;毛色為純白色的會呈肉色;粉紅條紋的會呈白色。
四肢 : 前肢上臂結實,後肢稍微傾斜。
足部 : 呈橢圓形,不太長,足墊厚而堅韌。
顏色 : 有灰、黃褐、黑、古銅、白色或粉紅條紋等顏色。
披毛 : 有兩層豐厚的披毛,底毛柔軟濃密,外層披毛柔軟貼服。
體態 : 身體筆挺,步履輕鬆優雅。
參考: me

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