點解要用gerund唔用 verb+ed ???

2009-06-09 9:07 pm
A shocking video has surfaced on the internet purportedly showing a Hong Kong teenager......

in this sentence, can we use showed instead of showing?
點解要用verb+ing ( gerund ) 唔用 verb+ed ( adj) ?
咩時候用gerund? 咩時候用adj?

回答 (3)

2009-06-11 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案

其实它是 ...... on the internet (which / that is) purportedly showing ...... 来的,在这里 showing 不是动名词 (gerund),而是个现在分词 (present participle),这里 showing 也算是个形容词 (adjective) 来的,因为这个是形容词短语 (adjective phrase),showing 就是用来形容 the internet 咯。

至于你用 ...... on the internet (which / that is) purportedly showed ...... 的话,明显地看到它是被动式 (passive) 了,所以它根本不是讲述着原有的主动式 (active) 的意思 - the internet is purportedly showing ...... 的。

一是我们用动词跟随着Gerunds或Infinitives(不同的意思),也就是Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infinitives (Different Meaning);
二就是我们用动词跟随着Gerunds或Infinitives(相似的意思),也就是Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infinitives (Similar Meaning);

Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infinitives (Different Meaning):-
1) He forgot reading the book when he was a kid.
当“forget”跟gerund一起用时,它是在说忘记你所做过的某件事情(to forget that you have done something)。

2) He forgot to pay the rent this month.
当“forget”跟infinitive一起用时,它是在说忘记你需要做某件事情(to forget that you need to do something)。

Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infinitives (Similar Meaning):-
1) I like speaking French because it is such a beautiful language.

2) I like to speak French when I am in France.

想你留意的是 verb -ed 不一定是形容词,它也可以是个过去分词 (past participle) 来的。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-06-10 2:29 pm


2009-06-09 9:30 pm
哥個唔是 gerrund, 係 present participle 嚟㗎。

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