IELTS 5.5, 校內成績少過60%,仲有無得係UK讀U

2009-06-09 7:25 pm
i study in uk and just finished my foundation year... i have applied york of uni and they gave me the requirment is 6.5 and 60%........... i want to study psychology or criminology... but now i got bad results so how can i do? My dad not allows me re-sit ielts again coz i had re-sat 2 times alreaady but stil 5.5~ so can i enter any uni or i cant anymore?

回答 (2)

2009-06-10 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫 =]
1) 如果你而家只係得5.5, 講真, 真係冇咩學校會收的, 好多學校require ielts要6以上, 有一d subject, 係要7 tim既, 你而家咁...好難入到york呢, 我個fd, 佢有warwick既 offer, 佢require ielts要7, 但係因為佢只係得6.5, 所以就算佢meet到成績呢一方面, ielts meet唔到, 所以佢都係入唔到.... 所以係你呢一個情況呢, 就算你過到60%, 但你因為你ielts都係唔得, 所以都係入唔到..
2) 我見你想讀psycho, 我有個fd佢想讀, 佢ielts要有7-8先可以入, 因為呢一個都算係一個要寫根多野既sub黎架, 如果你既英文唔好, 佢地點可以俾你讀呢...
3) 你而家只可以retakes ielts, 因為5.5真係唔係一個太高既分數..." 可以入到uni既, 不過個ranking會唔太高了, 因為中等既大學, 都require 6.5.-7 架.... 你retake去考好個分, 好過你而家要入一間唔好既uni 丫, 要讀3年架wor..."
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以係度補充的 =]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-06-09 9:46 pm
you should introspect study in uk, and you can't get a good result, that is ironic you know?

my friend study in mainland, and she didnt use english for 4 years, but she got, if you only got a 5.5, you shouldn't call this a bad result, it's extremely bad result.

what i said above was negative, but it's true. you should think about it.

but positively, i recommend you to re-sit the IELTS test in maindland china, it's much easier to get a high score.

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