
2009-06-09 9:21 am
以便日後可以generate report呢

例如 Excel Invoice Manager (呢個要錢)


請問VBA是否"巨集"? 但我對VBA毫無認識 可否詳細一點解說 例如 如何加button 如想再多製一個box隨意剔選generate report時載入哪些項目 (如 invoice號碼、貨品內容、金額等等)vba又能否做到呢?


謝謝你回覆,很高興原我想要的function excel都能做到,但可否詳細解說步驟或給我一個sample,方便的話可email我:[email protected] 尤其你說: sheet1要有一個command button, 只要cursor locate 在某一個row, 按該鍵, 就會印出該客戶的 invoice, 並在相應的儲存格打上 x, 表示已印 invoice. 可加多一個command button, 要來 generate report. 你要有一個 box, 令你可以隨意剔選項目來製作report, 當然沒有問題. 以上幾點我很想知道,謝謝!

回答 (2)

2009-06-09 5:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一個簡單的 excel invoice 系統, 應包括
1. sheet1的客戶購物資料
(客戶編號, 購入貨品1的編號, 單價, 數量 價錢; 購入貨品2的編號, 單價, 數量, 價錢; 購入貨品3的編號, 單價, 數量, 價錢; ... , 總額, 折扣, 實價 等.)
2. sheet2 為客戶資料, 包括客戶編號, 姓名, 地址 等
3. sheet3 為貨品資料, 包括貨品編號, 貨品名稱, 售價 和折扣等
其中sheet1 的單價及價錢, 在輸入貨品編號及數量後, 系統會自動更新.
sheet1要有一個command button, 只要cursor locate 在某一個row, 按該鍵, 就會印出該客戶的 invoice, 並在相應的儲存格打上 x, 表示已印 invoice.
需要的話, 可加多一個command button, 要來 generate report.
我相信這個簡單系統用 excel vba 是不難寫出.

2009-06-09 18:16:50 補充:
VBA (VISUAL BASIC for APPLICATION) 是 Microsoft 為 MS Office 注入的編程語言, 與 VISUAL BASIC 很相似, 只是每個 application 都有其獨特的 objects and methods. 例如 excel vba 與 powerpoint vba 就是兩個不盡相同的語言.
你要有一個 box, 令你可以隨意剔選項目來製作report, 當然沒有問題.
2009-06-18 9:59 am
I have done a system by excel which can create an invoice. However, you need some basic skills of excel. For example, you should know how to use macro (巨集) within excel, how to use different function in excel to decorate your invoice. Of course if you know the commad lineof VBA, your invoice and your system will be more perfect.

I am really confuse that why you do not use the database (access) instead. Your system will be much perfect.

There are three sheet within my system (the excel one). In the front page, there are two buttons. the first one is used to open a page which the end user can enter the data. The second one is used to open invoice so the end user can know the structure of the invoice. However, the end user is not allow to type anything within the invoice because the data is only transfer from other sheet.

I will talk about the method to create an invoice within excel.

1. you should use different function to create an invoice outlook.
2. Transfer the data by using macro.
3.Set a button in the sheet which the end user enter the data in. As a result the end user can transfer the data from that sheet to the blank invoice sheet by pressing that button.
4. Of course, you can set different type of command button in the invoice page to do different jobs. For example, a button which can print out the invoice.
參考: my knowledge

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