Eng Grammar

2009-06-09 3:08 am
I want ask some grammar in english for my examination.
1.Relative Clauses
2.Conditional Sentence
3.Used to & be used to
I hope tell me a method of use + example + special situation.

回答 (1)

2009-06-09 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Relative clause and conditional sentence are the two major sections of the syllabus of F3 English. It is not easy to explain everything to you here. Go and get help from your teacher or tutor.

Used to (followed by a verb) means 過去如此 過去經常
Be used to (followed by noun /gerund) 習慣了某

2009-06-09 11:43:59 補充:
Be used to (followed by noun /gerund) 習慣了某事

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