Quantity Words - 20點

2009-06-09 1:13 am
請問可以給我一些Quantity Words並且有解釋和例子嗎?

我的意思是 例如這樣回答: can (罐) a can of coke

回答 (3)

2009-06-09 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
A ... of

i. Clove 瓣 a clove of garlic, two cloves of garlic 一(兩)瓣大蒜

ii. Slice 片 a slice of bread, two slices of beef 一(兩)片麵包(牛肉)

iii. Glass 杯 a glass of wine, two glasses of water 一(兩)杯酒(水)

iv. Page 頁 a page of book, two pages of novel 一(兩)頁書(小說)

v. Piece 張/片 a piece of paper, two pieces of leaf 一(兩)張紙(葉)

vi. Bar 塊 a bar of candy, two bars of chocolate 一(兩)塊糖果(巧克力)

vii. Bar 碗 a bowl of noodles, two bowls of rice 一(兩)碗麵條(飯)

viii. Case 件 a case of crime, two cases of assault 一(兩)件罪案(攻擊)

ix. Piece 件 a piece of clothing, two pieces of clothing 一(兩)件衣服(物件)

x. Bottle 瓶 a bottle of shampoo, two bottles of perfume 一(兩)瓶洗髮水(香水)

xi. Can 罐 a can of soup, two cans of beer 一(兩)罐罐頭湯(啤酒)

xii. Ounce 盎司 a ounce of flour, two ounces of sugar 一(兩)盎司麵粉(糖)

xiii. Gram 克 a gram of ham, two grams of pork 一(兩)克火腿(豬肉)

xiv. Pound 英鎊 a pound of cake, two pounds of oranges 一(兩)英鎊蛋糕(橙)

xv. Pinch 小撮 a pinch of pepper, two pinches of salt 一(兩)小撮胡椒粉(鹽)

xvi. Bag 袋 a bag of potatoes, two bags of coins 一(兩)袋馬鈴薯(硬幣)

xvii. Pint 品脫 a pint of milk, two pints of liquid 一(兩)品脫牛奶(液體)

xviii. Stalk 稈 a stalk of celery, two stalks of wheat 一(兩)稈芹菜(小麥)

xix. Packet 包 a packet of oil, two packets of seeds 一(兩)包油(種子)

xx. Drop 滴 a drop of blood, two drops of honey 一(兩)滴血(蜂蜜)
參考: 在北美超過10年. 講,寫英文多過中文.
2009-06-10 2:57 am
a clove of garlic 一瓣大蒜

a slice of bread 一片麵包

a glass of wine 一杯酒

a page of book 一頁書

a piece of paper 一張紙

a bar of candy 一塊糖果

a bowl of noodles 一碗麵條

a case of crime 一件罪案

a bottle of shampoo 一瓶洗髮水

a ounce of flour 一盎司麵粉

a gram of ham 一克火腿

a pound of cake 一英鎊蛋糕

a pinch of pepper 一小撮胡椒粉

a bag of potatoes 一袋馬鈴薯

a pint of milk 一品脫牛奶

a stalk of celery 一稈芹菜

a packet of oil 一包油

a drop of blood 一滴血

a troop of monkeys 一群猴子

a bundle of sticks 一捆柴枝

a band of musicians 一群音樂家

a litter of puppies 一窩幼犬

a flight of aeroplanes 一隊飛機

an army of ants 一大群螞蟻

a collection of pictures 大量畫像

a herd of cattle 一群牛

a flock of birds 一群鳥

a tribe of natives 一幫原住民

a team of oxen 一組閹牛

a pack of cards 一盒卡紙

a swarm of bees 一大群蜜蜂

a bouquet of flowers 一束花

a class of pupils 一班人

a party of friends 一夥人

a bale of cotton 一大捆棉花

a brood of chickens 一窩雞

a staff of teachers 一些老師

a tuft of grass 一簇草

a fleet of ships 一個艦隊

a shoal of fish 一大群魚

a troupe of dancers 一團跳舞者

a set of books 一部書

a string of beads 一根有孔小珠

a choir of singers 一個合唱團的歌手

a library of books 一冊藏書

a hail of fire 一堆火
參考: me
2009-06-09 2:28 am
Quantity Words = Number Words = Determiners


A bottle of
A can of
A packet of
參考: Myself

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