Descriptive Words translation

2009-06-09 12:26 am
Please help to translate the following descriptive words into Chinese:

- Messy
- Argumentative
- Follower
- Willing
- Competitive
- Timid
- Domineering
- Hesitant
- Productive
- Convincing
- Compromising
- Planner
- Supportive
- Excitable
- Submissive
- Scheduled
- Impatient
- Doubtful
- Task oriented
- Agreeable
- Promoter
- Good-natured
- Good listener
- Deep
- Fussy
- Resepectful
- Inconsistent
- Loud

回答 (1)

2009-06-09 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案


















- 尊敬
Hope I can help you!!!
參考: Brain and dictionary

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