Eng Grammar (F.2)--participles

2009-06-08 9:34 pm
An apple being eaten by me is fresh. Is it correct?


回答 (4)

2009-06-09 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
你的句子An apple being eaten by me is fresh.可以說大約沒有錯,你自己也大概知用了分詞子句來代替關係子句
但意思就怪怪的,因為你的句子是說:An apple即任何的蘋果都可以
這又怎可能:你所吃的蘋果都新鮮,所以句子應是:The apple
The apple eaten by me is fresh.


2009-06-09 1:53 am
The sentence "The apple being eaten by me is fresh." is grammatically correct but it might not be the most appropriate answer in this case.
1. The change of "is eaten" to "being eaten".
2. There is no relative clause in the sentence.

I suppose the expected answer is
The apple which is eaten by me is fresh.
2009-06-09 12:54 am
An apple being eaten by me is fresh.------ 正確
The apple being eaten by me is fresh.------ 更正確
因為指明 (出 ) 我現在所吃的一個蘋果是新鮮
being eaten by me -----這片語 ( adjective phrase )是 形容 那 蘋果的情形
2009-06-08 10:19 pm

A fresh apple is eaten by me.
參考: me

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