
2009-06-08 7:51 pm

回答 (4)

2009-06-09 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can't compare apple to an orange as they are so different. I'll list the advantage is risk for you so that you have a better view.

A50 (2823) - It is a basket of A-shares investing into China.. Risks are that the holdings are not direct A-Shares (equity linked structured products). Issuers of the structured products are big global banks, but if any one bankrupted, you could have total loss of that structures issued by that bank.

Greater China - It invest into China, HK and Taiwan with high focus into China. China exposure could be mix of A, B, or H shares. the fund manager could move the money around within China, HK and Taiwan depending on which place they find more investment potential. Risk is that it is very focus into Greater China, and in general if China market drop, so are HK and Taiwan, therefore the risk diversification is not a lot.

India - Investing into India via direct India market or India companies listed in our exchanges like London and US. India has positive economic growth forecast for the next three years and it is likely to be one of the top pick country to be invested into during early recovery stage. Risk are the following, high political risk and high government control over the stock market, high currency risk of the INR (potential depreciation)

Before you decide, you should first check with your investment advisor for latest market update, and whether they would provide good monitoring of your investment. As ongoing market update and monitor play a very important role to you decision to these investments as all three are very high risk.

Hope this help
參考: my experience
2009-06-09 1:25 am
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2009-06-09 1:15 am
純粹作參考之用, 請你務必考慮清楚
A50買既係中國A股, 咁中國股市好新, 經濟又係發展中, 理論上, 升值潛力不俗; 同理, 大中華基金受惠中國經濟, 一樣有升值潛力; 至於印度, 新興市場, 未來廿年都有人口紅利, 行普通法, 歷史因素, 受教育既印度人都能講流利英語, 而且佢地既普通話就係英文, 所以能與國際接軛, 如果你留意好多垮國公司既高層都已經係印度人, 投資潛力一樣有。
咁三選一, 邊隻好D, 我就咁睇, 中國好, 香港也會好, 咁工作方面既收入應該也好, 所以A50同大中華都會因中國好而好, 但一個唔覺意, 中國唔係咁好呢? 咁就工作又死, 投資又死; 為此, 我覺得香港人就買印度基金會好D, 起碼有機會中國唔好, 印度好呀。
2009-06-08 11:55 pm

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