Why heat capacity (Al

2009-06-08 5:48 pm
Why Specific heat capacity (aluminium < water)?
Specific heat capacity (aluminium) 0.9 kJ/kg-K.
Specific heat capacity (water) 4.18 kJ/kg-K.

Is it Hydrogen bond stronger than metallic bond? Why water in liquid state has stronger bond than metal in solid state? Why at the same time metal has higher M.P. than water?

回答 (1)

2009-06-09 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
The specific heat capacity of a substance indeed reflects the strength of the intermolecular force between molecules of that substance.

Water and aluminium are of different form of bondings. The intermolecular attraction between water molecules is much stronger than that between molecules in metals. This resulted in a higher specific heat capacity in water than in aluminium.

2009-06-13 13:46:51 補充:
Molecules in metals area arranged in crystal lattices, but water is not. The high melting point of metals is due to the energy required to break the crystal lattice to free the metal molecules. Water molecules, however, is already in a free state though still bound by inermolecular force.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:33:23
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