Why is religion such a controversial issue that everyone is opinionated over?

2009-06-08 6:57 am

回答 (21)

2009-06-08 7:02 am
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because it deals with the biggest issue every human faces. how and why? with an advanced brain comes a lot of stress. We are the only things on this planet that can even comprehend something as complex as god, space, creation, evolution, etc... thats kind of a heavy burden. And in order to deal with this burden, we created religion. religion is a definite answer to a question that (at this point in time) is impossible to answer. People are arrogant and NEED to know everything, so when they can't come to a concrete solution, they tend to make one up.
2009-06-08 7:06 am
wow im going to ignore the amount of ignorance and naivete you're displaying

religion is such a controversial issue because there are people in this world who wish to change legislation and take away the rights of other because they believe in an invisible being that commands atrocities.
2009-06-08 7:09 am
There is nothing at all certain about it, and yet the answers are the most important of all questions we ever may address. This makes us insecure, so we tend to "circle the wagons," and attack anything that even appears to attack our way of viewing these things.

Lots of folks have set up very infantile systems for "dealing" with these questions, and they are the most likely to become irate when challenged, because they know how flimsy the basis of their entire lifestyle is. and they are terrified of having their house of cards busted down, so they get huffy about any perceived attack. And almost anything can be construed by them as an attack.
2009-06-08 7:05 am
i wonder that too! i think because there is truth out there somewhere and we all know it on a subconscious level... but most people get so set on defending their own religion "flavor" that they forget to look for the truth. Also because religion is often used to abuse and control people, which is really wrong. Religion can't answer the world's problems. Only the truth can.
2009-06-08 7:05 am
Because people like to feel better than everyone else.
This is why I choose not to talk about religion unless someone else brings it up. I think it's a personal choice and is nobody else's business what your beliefs are. It's like telling someone else what to think.
2009-06-09 6:00 pm
People will always believe what's comfortable for them, what they can accept, and what's easiest to do. This is religion.

Christianity, does not make things easy, its often confrontational as God requires us to make hard decisions. Sometimes its not very comfortable as He asks us to even love our enemies.

We (Christians) are not opinionated, we are focused on what we are taught by God. Its His teaching not His opinions.
2009-06-08 7:19 am
Because around 2000 years ago, some upstart religion decided to make the claim that they were the "one true religion" with the "one true god." :)

Up until then, it was pretty much assumed that you would honor certain gods and that other people would have their gods and so on. Monotheism, though unusual, was for the most part tolerated. There were wars, of course, but hardly ever over religious differences.

But when you get people claiming that they're the "only true religion" who then have to use violence and lies to shore up their claims and force everyone to submit to their ways, well then all heck breaks loose! LOL Especially given our modern age, and just how many tiny sects all claim to have the "one correct truth."

I personally believe that all gods exist, and those who are meant to follow them will. IMO there's no such thing as "one true god" or "one true religion," nor is there anything wrong with people who don't have any religion at all. Some people worry too much about what other people are doing when they should just mind their own business. :)
參考: Hellenic Polytheist
2009-06-08 7:11 am
becouse everyone has their own thoughts on it biased on personal experience and outside factors. I can admit I used to believe that God hated me because of what I was going through at the time. I can not however say that one plus one equals five without quite a few raised eyebrows.
Faith is personal and has no physical effects. No one person can prove the nature of God or lack there of anymore then another. So we all try to explain what we think. Sometimes it gets out of hand.
2009-06-08 7:07 am
Because it is a dispute over something that exceeds a monetary value, piece of land, or political power. It's a dispute over eternity.
I just think that when people bicker over their "religions," they're most often just trying to create their own. You see, people pick a religion that most resonates with their lifestyles (most of the time), twist it a little (or screw it up), and try to convert or convince as many others as they can so that they feel secure in their decision.
"Justification by the endorsement of the majority" is what I call it.

Truth is, God doesn't care how many people vote for "Candyland," He is King, and He is the Father of those who cling to His Will.
Bless His name.
參考: Christian and lovin' it! =D
2009-06-08 7:04 am
well its a huge issue and to many people it means eternal bliss or damnation or at least the absolute right way of doing things. religion is that rigid so yeah its hard to not be opinionated when everyones going nuts over it

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