Grammar 問題 (3個)

2009-06-08 7:14 am
各位高手, 本人有以下關於Grammar 問題想發問:

問題一) 關於 To help handle.. :

High tech security software developed to help handle Obama's inauguration.

It has also been good for a Glasgow PR and events company, which was in action last week to help handle the deluge of media enquiries that have been generated by her.

不明白的是: to handle 應該係 infinitive (即 to+v) 而 handle 本身又係verb , 那 to help handle 變左連用了兩個 verb ! 他們這樣寫是否正確呢?

問題二) 關於 arrange
arrange 這個verb 的 object 可否用於人 (people)?
因為通常 transitive verb 的arrange 的object 都係用係事物上
e.g. She arranged the flowers in a vase.
e.g. She arranged Tom to write a mail. <- 這個是否正確?
我在網上找例句, 發現多數人會選用 intransitive verb 的模式 , 即:
She arranged for Tom to write a mail.

請問 arrange 如果用係 人身上 是否 一定要用 intransitive verb 才絕對正確?

問題三) 一個簡單但又一直不明白的問題:
究竟 Phrasal verb 是否是 intransitive verb 的一種?
因為佢後面直接跟 preposition, 這同 intransitive verb 的格式很相似,但phrasal verb 後面的object 又算唔算是 它的 verb's object 呢?

寫錯了(以下更正): 不明白的是: to help 應該係 infinitive (即 to+v) 而 handle 本身又係verb , 那 to help handle 變左連用了兩個 verb ! 他們這樣寫是否正確呢?

回答 (1)

2009-06-08 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) help handle
其實 handle 是 infinitive,省畧了 "to"。
有些 verb,例如 "help","see", "make",和 "let",跟着的 infinitive 是不用 "to" 的。
He saw me do it.
He let me go.
He made me cry.
He helped me handle the situation.
He helped handle the situation.

(2) arrange 用在人身上,通常加 for,因為個 arrangement 是要 [人] 去做某事,而並不是 [人] 本身, 像花一樣,被 physically arranged.
有些場合,例如佈陣,是可以用 arrange 人的:
The soccer coach arranged his players in a 4-4-2 pattern.

(3) phrasal verb 通常本身就包括了 verb 和 preposition。有些 phrasal verb 是 transitive verb, 另一些是 intransitive verb。
Examples: transitive phrasal verb:
She looks after the her little brother when her mother is busy.
She gives up her bad habbits.
Examples: intransitive phrasal verb:
He found out about Mary's secret.
She broke up with her boyfriend.

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