
2009-06-07 6:36 pm

Last Saturday, Jacky talked with his friends in the telephone. They talked about go to the Ocean Park on Sunday. On Sunday, Jacky takes the bus to the Ocean Park. He sits at the back of the bus. He see envelop under the seat. He open envelop and find a lot of money inside. He ask himself, why did there have $10,000. He doesn’t know how to do, so he tells this affair to his friend. His friend persuades him to give the money to the police.Therefore he give it to police and the police say he is a good boy.

回答 (3)

2009-06-07 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Last Saturday, Jacky discussed with his friends in the telephone. They were deciding about going to Ocean Park on Sunday. On Sunday, Jacky went to Ocean Park by bus. He sat at the back of the bus and saw an envelope under his seat. He opened the envelope and found a lot of money inside. He asked himself, why was there $10,000 in it? He didn't know what should he do, so he told his friends about this affair. His friends persuaded him to give the money to the police. He followed his friends suggestion; after that, the police praise that he is a good boy.

talk with his friends------------>discussed with his friends
taking about---------------------->deciding about
takes the bus to Ocean Park-------------->went to Ocean Park by bus
sit at the back---------------->sat at the back
He see envelop------------>and saw an envelope
open envelop and find------------->opened the envelope and found
why did there have $10,000.------------>why was there $10,000 in it?
so he tells this affair to his friend------->he told his friends about this affair.
Therefore he give it to police and the police say he is a good boy. -----------------> He followed his friends suggestion; after that, the police praise that he is a good boy.
參考: myself
2009-06-07 7:15 pm
(1)行:his ''friend'',talked about-----discussed to go to the Ocean Park....
(3) :he 'sees' 'an' envelope
(4) :open 'it', find "out' a lot of money inside "it",he 'thinks" , why there is $10000 inside it?
(5):'what' to do
(7) ''says'' that
2009-06-07 7:15 pm
Last Saturday, Jacky talked with his friends in the telephone. They were thinking about going to Ocean Park on Sunday. On Sunday, Jacky went to Ocean Park by bus. He sat at the back of the bus and saw an envelop under his seat. He opened the envelop and found a lot of money inside. He asked himself, why was there $10,000. He didn't know what to do, so he told his friend(s?). His friend(s?) persuaded him to give the money to the police. Therefore, he gave it to police and the police said that he is a good boy.
參考: Myself

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