1394連線和 TCP/IP 有咩關係??

2009-06-06 11:55 pm
點解我1394連線 連到線。但點解 封包係 : 0 ??
但佢說 這個連線沒有啟用 TCP/IP喔 ?

等待你的回答 >_<

回答 (1)

2009-06-08 10:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1394 is a hardware to let you connect your computer to internet, just like a LAN interface card, or a wireless adatper.

TCP/IP is a network protocol for internet use or LAN usage. If you find "沒有啟用 TCP/IP", which means that your 1394 has no TCP/IP data configured for your network connection.

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