
2009-06-06 9:41 pm

回答 (7)

2009-06-09 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
動物界結構最複雜, 視力最強的眼睛:

mantis shrimp 瀨尿蝦
眼係長係長柄之上, 可分別自由移動, 有如變色龍.
人眼有3種錐細胞, 可以組成彩虹七色既視覺, 而mantis shrimp有12種錐細胞, 可見到紅外線, 可見光以至紫外線, 為動物界之冠.
人眼的視網膜可分為 [peripheral vision著重形狀, 移動] [foveal vision著重細節, 顏色, 即黃斑點上] 兩個區域. 而牠的眼分成3個區域, 即是, 看東西可以 [著重形狀, 移動] [十分清楚] [超極清楚] 三種, 可稱為trinocular vision.
牠還可以像章魚一樣看得出光的偏光角度, 像貓科和靈長類的立體視覺, 視力之最當之無愧啦!
2009-06-07 6:08 am
2009-06-07 4:48 am
Cuttlefish eyes are among the most developed in the animal kingdom.
The organogenesis of cephalopod eyes differs fundamentally from that
of vertebrates like humans. Superficial similarities between cephalopod
and vertebrate eyes are thought to be examples of convergent evolution.
The cuttlefish pupil is a smoothly-curving W shape.
Although they cannot see color, they can perceive the polarization of light,
which enhances their perception of contrast. They have two spots of
concentrated sensor cells on their retina (known as fovea),
one to look more forward, and one to look more backwards.
The lenses, instead of being reshaped as they are in humans,
are pulled around by reshaping the entire eye in order to change focus.
Scientists have speculated that cuttlefish's eyes are fully developed
before birth and start observing their surroundings while still in the egg.
One team of French researchers has additionally suggested that cuttlefish
prefer to hunt the prey they saw before hatching.


Photo Source http://en.wikipedia.org
2009-06-06 10:42 pm
2009-06-06 10:32 pm
20贈點 means this answer is veeerrryyy hard,right?

2009-06-07 11:04:44 補充:
tell us how good is that animal's eyesight,(I mean do you have any clues?)

2009-06-08 16:32:41 補充:
pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase,I beg you, give us some clues
2009-06-06 10:18 pm
本目鳥類瞳孔大,多啲光入眼,視網膜中視桿細胞(只有一種視覺色素,即視紫紅質可以分辨明暗,唔識分辨細節同顏色)非常之多,冇視錐細胞(喺強光刺激下,有三種視覺色素,能分辨細節同顏色),以至眼內成圓柱狀(而唔係球狀),對弱光亦好敏感,適合夜間活動。 bv
2009-06-06 9:43 pm


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