
2009-06-06 6:14 pm

I like playing tennis and football. I am playing tennis with my father on Saturday. I am playing football with my brother on Sunday. Sometimes, My family go to Cheung Chau in holiday. We like riding bicycle, But badminton is my best activity.

回答 (5)

2009-06-06 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Be aware of:

(1) tense (use simple present tense for habitual events)
(2) use of capital letters
(3) agreement
(4) use of cause-effect relationship


This is my correction:

I like playing tennis and football. I play tennis with my father every Saturday, and play football with my brother every Sunday. Sometimes, my whole family goes to Cheung Chau on holidays. We like riding bicycles, and our favorite activity is badminton.

2009-06-06 10:57:54 補充:
Correction: We like riding bicycles, and my favorite activity is badminton.

''And'' here means 而. You do not need to use ''but'' to signify the relationship of contrast. There is no contradiction between "like riding bicyles'' and ''like playing badminton''.

2009-06-06 10:58:05 補充:
Therefore, the whole sentence will be read as: 我們喜歡踏單車,而我則喜歡打羽毛球.
參考: I hope I didn't get it wrong. :)
2009-06-07 5:02 pm

or every Sunday

Sometimes<-----is NOT followed by the simple future tense!!!

"Sometimes + the simple present tense" should be used in this short article. (Correct)
2009-06-06 6:31 pm
I like playing tennis and football. I am playing tennis with my father
on Saturday. I am playing football with my brother on Sunday.
Sometimes, my family go to Cheung Chau in holiday. We like riding
bicycle, but badminton is my favorite.
2009-06-06 6:22 pm
2009-06-06 6:19 pm
I am playing tennis with my father on Saturday.

I was played tennis with my fate on Saturday.

I am playing football with my brother on Sunday.

I was played football with my brother on Sunday.

Sometimes, My family go to Cheung Chau in holiday.

Sometimes, My family go to Cheung Chau on holiday.

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