
2009-06-06 9:27 am

回答 (3)

2009-06-06 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 星巴克受年輕人歡迎 - 去星巴克是表示有品味.

2. 環境舒適 - 在店裡可以享受安靜的時光,十分愜意.

3. 品質佳, 味道好 - 喝一杯真正美好的咖啡, 品嚐一件美味chess cake.
4. 服務好 - 服務生笑口常開, 亦多數年輕人, 使人覺得有活力及青春氣息.
2009-06-08 8:41 am

2009-06-07 9:43 am
Yes, I must agree with the last comment.
Very often I find Starbucks a really comfortable place to sit in, drinking a good quality cup of Mocha, chatting with a few of my friends, or doing homework.
However, I must also agree it is a little bit expensive and it is seen as
quite luxurious, but overall I love the service in Starbucks.

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