Poll: Name something that squeaks?

2009-06-05 8:09 pm

回答 (22)

2009-06-05 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A mouse, an unoiled wheel, & me when I get startled.
2009-06-06 3:13 am
the jonas brothers
2009-06-06 3:13 am
Spongebobs shoes.
2009-06-06 3:13 am
My sister, a lot

Her assorted mice, hamsters, and other rodents

Not to mention all of her obnoxiously noisy friends

Now you have an idea of what hell is - my little sister
2009-06-06 3:57 am
A mouse.
2009-06-06 3:13 am
The floor board in our family room.
2009-06-06 3:13 am
2009-06-06 3:12 am
A pet toy.
2009-06-06 3:12 am
2009-06-06 5:52 pm
a hoor hinge
a pet toy
wet flip flops
a wheel that needs to be greased
the jonas brothers

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