How do you drill a hole on a plastic washer drain pan?

2009-06-05 4:36 pm
Today the installation guys came in again to install my washer and this time they refused to do it because they said my drain pan wasn't connected to the drain pipe. BUT when I went to Home Depot they said many people don't bother connecting at all as washers rarely leak and its just a prevention. Anyway, the technicians firmly refused to install it and asked me to get it 'properly installed'.
The problem is: the drain pipe in my laundry room sticks out from the floor (like a flipped L-shape ) which means the only way I can connect it to the drain pan is to drill a hole on the side of it to slide the pipe in since the pre-cut holes are on the bottom of the tray, and even I found a model with side pre-cut holes, they won't fit mine.

They wouldn't do the drilling for us because they said in order to drill a hole on hard plastic surface, special equipments are needed otherwise the plastic will crack once you push a drill in (??)
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to house maintenance ...... How do you drill a hole on the side of a plastic tray??
I desperately need my washer to be installed!!!! It's been two weeks!!

I went to my neighbor and his wasn't connected to anything as well!!
However if i ever wanna get my washer installed, I HAVE to do what they told me to.

* all I have is a regular drill....

回答 (3)

2009-06-05 4:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not knowing your exact location and circumstances, I'd return the washer for a refund and get it from someone else. It sounds like you have a washer in an upstairs living area and the installers are worried about some liability or local code issue. In either case your hookup was good enough for the original inspection, so why get your chain yanked now? They could have had you sign something if they were spooked about the overflow. If you're concerned about the hookup leaking and causing damage, have a plumber look at it....there's probably a reason for why it's done the way its. Once your seller finds he's gotta eat the washer because of their installers, things may change for the better.
2016-11-10 6:38 pm
Washer Tray With Drain
2016-03-01 11:39 am
if you wanna get midevil on it and have a lot of time on your hands, you can use a screw and a screwdriver and do it by hand but ugggg that would suck. other than that, you could try the heating thing but if its hard plastic it might not work anyway unless hte metals like red hot and thats dangerous to do, you could also end up lighting the plastic on fire which would be really bad. i doubt you have a hand drill lying around lol, so my overall suggestion for this would be if you cant do it by hand you probably have to just go out and get a new drill.

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