What is (Math question)?

2009-06-05 10:42 am

sweet though this doesn't make sense then...cause the answers are a.-81 b.81 c.9 d-9 What?


yes to parenthese, how ever you spell it :3

回答 (6)

2009-06-05 12:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
= ³√[(-27^2)]
= ³√729
= ³√(9^3)
= 9
(answer c)
2009-06-05 5:54 pm
-27^2/3 = -(3^2) = -9.
But if question is: (-27)^2/3, then (-27)^2/3 = (-3)^2 = 9.
2009-06-05 6:31 pm
c is correct.
2009-06-05 5:52 pm
Do you want the cube root of -27 squared or -27 squared divided by 3?
2009-06-05 5:50 pm
-27^(2/3)= -9
2009-06-05 5:48 pm
It depends

If the -27 is in parentheses (-27) then the answer is 243

If there are no parentheses then the answer is -243

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