
2009-06-06 12:23 am
我個小朋友讀緊p4, 都開始學一d深既grammar, 究竟需唔需要再比佢出去補grammar呢

回答 (4)

2009-06-15 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
讀緊小四應該學 Grammar, 十分重要 ...
1.其實在二年級時都應用簡易方式教佢英文文法 (淺入淺出)
P.2 學 Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense and gerund ... Pronoun and possessive, Adjectives
P.3 學用更多 Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense
少量Past Tense and Prepositions and gerund, Adverb
P.4 重溫 Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense
學更多 Past Tense and Future Tense and Preposition, Comparison of Adjcetives
P.5 重溫所有上述 tenses, prepositions ....................
新學 Prefect Tense
你不用心急, 如果佢仍未實際開始, 可能你兒子的英文老師都已經深入淺出教左你的兒子, 你可以趁現時放假或暑假期間在家同佢溫習番 ... 特別個動詞表, 很多學生都唔係太熟習
如果你自己可以教, 而且d Grammar仲淺, 都不必補習

2009-06-14 17:13:49 補充:
我個仔都有一些補充和動詞表, 如你需要, 可以send給你
2009-06-15 2:27 am
我有多年補習經驗,曾替100名中小學生補習,獨創MORNING SYSTEM強效學習法,可設計教材教導全套文法。
2009-06-06 2:16 am
grammar is very important to English cause it's the basic knowledge of Eng. If the grammar is not good, you better let him go on a tutorial calss.
2009-06-06 12:26 am
讀英文, 文法 grammar 當然重要...
至於有無需要去補習文法, 視乎小朋友的學習程度... 平時學校教的都足夠, 如果佢本身追唔上就要補...

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