
2009-06-06 12:03 am

回答 (2)

2009-06-08 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
  十二星座,主要分為白羊座,金牛座,雙子座,巨蟹座,獅子座,處女座,天秤座,天蠍座,人馬座,山羊座,水瓶座,雙魚座。十二星座內分三種,太陽星座,月座代表了你內心真正對事物的 看法、價值觀念,以及對家庭方式的追求理想,同時亦直接影響了你與伴侶相處時的真正態度。月亮星座,由於星座學上月亮代表母親,所以月亮星座是反映出你和母親,以及與女性之間的關係。而男性對女性的要求度,女性對自己為人妻子的責任度, 全部亦可在月亮星座中尋找出答案來。

  而上昇星座所代表的是一個人真實的自我本性,它對日常的言行舉止、性向、癖好、外表、風格、體質等都有影 響,所以給旁人的主觀印象多半由上昇星座來決定,而且往往在接近三十歲左右,上昇星座的本性 最能明顯出來。

12 horoscopes, mainly be divided into Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Divide into 3 kinds inside 12 horoscopes, sun horoscope, month represented your heart is real to the things of viewpoint, concept of value, and pursue ideal to the family method, also influenced you directly in the meantime and real attitude for companion to get along with.Moon horoscope, the horoscope learns last month a bright representative a mother, so the moon horoscope reflects you and mother, and with the relation of the female's. And male's request to female, the female behaves a cuckoldry responsibility to oneself, all can also look for answer in the moon horoscope.

And run high what horoscope represent is a personal true of ego essentiality, it to usual words and actions bearing, aptitude, Pi good, appearance, style, constitution's etc.s all include a shadow ring, so give side the person's subjective impression most likely by run high horoscope to decide, and usually is nearing 30 years old and or so, run high horoscope of the essentiality can come out obviously most .













Good luck for you!!!
參考: me喔!!! ^^
2009-06-06 12:30 am
The sky is the constellation of stars combination groups. In the three-dimensional universe, these stars in fact no real inter-relationship, but in the celestial sphere a spherical shell located in proximity to surface. Since ancient times, people and shape of the arrangement of the stars are very interested and very naturally located in proximity to a number of stars linked to form a constellation.

Constellation in astronomy an important role in accounting; under the guise of astrology ecliptic also the image of the 12 constellations, but astronomers have not used astrology as a truly scientific method of pseudo-science.

Basically, the composition of the star constellation is a random process, in different civilizations are composed of stars from different constellations of different ─ ─ Although some of the more conspicuous by the composition of the stars of the constellation, in roughly the same in different civilizations, such as Orion and Scorpio.

International Astronomical Union's border with precision to the sky divided into 88 official constellations, so that the skies are a star for each of a particular constellation. Most of these formal constellations are handed down according to the medieval tradition of the ancient Greek-based Constellation.
參考: yahoo

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