執 grammar, 急!!20points

2009-06-05 7:59 pm
Attached please find the latest spreadsheet by revised.

唔該唔明人地想講咩既就唔好答, 唔好一開頭答人問題就講句: 唔明人地想問乜/唔明人地講乜, 此乃冇禮貌之舉, 既然你都唔明, 你仲俾個答案人地做咩!

回答 (10)

2009-06-05 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) "by"= a preposition It is not followed by any " verb+ed"!! Wrong grammar! (by 後面的動詞冇ed)

Your sentence should be rewritten as follows:

Attached please find the latest spreadsheet for revision( noun).

If you want to talk about the revised spreadsheet, you may then write:

Attached please find the latest revised spreadsheet.

Attached please find the latest revised version of the spreadsheet.

Attached herewith is the lastest revised version of the spreadsheet for revision.

Hope that helps.


2009-06-05 13:18:06 補充:
by 不可以接原型動詞。
by + gerund 或object
2009-06-06 12:01 am

"Please revise the latest attached spreadsheet."
參考: wikipedia
2009-06-05 10:46 pm
1) Attached please find the latest revised spreadsheet.
2) Please find the attached latest revised spreadsheet.
2009-06-05 9:23 pm
Please find the lastest version of the spreadsheet in the attachment.
參考: me
2009-06-05 8:57 pm
Kindly refer attached most updated spreadsheet, many thanks!
2009-06-05 8:43 pm
Attached please find the latest spreadsheet as revised.


Attached please find the revised spreadsheet.


Please find attached the latest version of the spreadsheet for your review.


Please find attached the revised spreadsheet for your comment.
參考: Own
2009-06-05 8:14 pm
你係唔係想話 "附上最新修改好的spreadsheet"??

-> Attached please find the latest revised spreadsheet (for your perusal / approval).
參考: me
2009-06-05 8:12 pm
(1) I attach a revised spreadsheet for your comment / use.

(2) Attached please find the revised spreadsheet for your ref.
2009-06-05 8:11 pm

Attached please find the revised spreadsheet for your review.


Please find the attached spreadsheet as latest revise.
2009-06-05 8:08 pm

please attach the latest spreadsheet by revised


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