
2009-06-05 7:44 pm
I am dark across the light

I am died toward the light

I alway follow in front of the him

The holy sprit into my life

The holy sprit want to go into the mylife


回答 (2)

2009-06-05 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The holy sprit want to go into the mylife 這各句是有錯的。


2009-06-05 11:54:48 補充:
仲有I alway follow in front of the him這句是有錯的。

因為follow(跟隨) in front of (前面)
應改為I alway follow him .

2009-06-05 11:56:40 補充:
我諗您係打寫左spirit ,是嗎?
如果是的話,咁只係得I alway follow in front of the him這句是有錯。
參考: me
2009-06-05 9:39 pm
I am dark across the light

I am dead towards the light

--Am 已是句子的 Main verb
一句句子只可有一个 Main Verb

I always follow in front of him

-無 alway 這个字, always

-錯意思 follow 是跟着一个人走, in front of him 是走在一个人前面. 你不可以跟着一个人走又走在一个人前面所以你有兩个選擇 I always follow him 或者 I always walk in front of him. Ok?

The holy spirit into my life

--spirit 漏了個 [i]

The holy spirit want to go into my life

-spirit 漏了個 [i]
-'mylife' 是兩个字

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