
2009-06-05 7:41 pm

  本人在履歷表的Strength一項中寫到Proficient in spoken English,但此舉卻被上述的補習老師認定為錯誤,她認為必須以Fluent in spoken English表達,但本人認為兩者皆正確。本人研習英語多年,成績向來不差,但對本人作出糾正的卻是有十多年補習經驗之名師,因此本人自感不妙,敬祈大家賜正。

補充: 原來她說的是Fluency in spoken English,那我更加懷疑了,這句在文法上對嗎?

回答 (3)

2009-06-07 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Obviously “Fluency in spoken English” is grammatically WRONG in the case.

In fact, both “Fluent in spoken English” and “Proficient in spoken English” are ACCEPTABLE in grammar.

For “Fluent in spoken English”, the word “spoken” in “fluent in spoken English” is REDUNDANT as suggested by 001. So simply “Fluent in English” is a better phrase.

For “Proficient in spoken English”, it is MORE COMMONLY USED in the entry requirement in many companies in Hong Kong.
2009-06-06 5:08 pm


2009-06-05 8:26 pm
First of all, “Fluency in spoken English” is not correct in this situation.

Proficient (adj) : very skilled: having a high degree of skill in something-常用例子 - “Proficient in a language”(ie all-rounded)

Fluent (adj) : able to speak with ease: able to speak a language effortlessly and correctly. 常用例子 “fluent in English”

By “fluent”, it is implied that you are referring to the spoken aspect of that language already. So, the word “spoken” in “fluent in spoken English” is redundant.

To answer your question, though the two sentences are not wrong, they are not idiomatic.

You can simply put in “fluent in English”
參考: my humble self and dictionary

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