用photoshop加入相框問題 (10點)

2009-06-05 7:27 pm
我想o係張相度加上相框, 但係size應該點樣較先可以岩岩好將相片放o係相框之上?

另外, 因為個相框係有d花凸左出黎, 如果放張相上去點先可以唔遮住d花? 相框就係以下呢個:



回答 (1)

2009-06-05 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
checked your frame, if you want to insert your photo, and not cover your photo ( or photo not cover the frame)
you may need to use the Magic Tools or select tools to 退走 the white color area first.
1, use the tools to select the frame carefully, Copy to a new Layer.
2, after you resize the photo or the frame to your target size.
3,hopes your mouse to Drag the frame on your photo , since the white area is now transparent , so it will not cover your photos and look more Natural

2009-06-06 16:55:33 補充:
1, 你開左個 frame 先, 然後用 " 魔術棒" 工具點取白色的底色地方 ( hold Shirt key 可以 作多選取. 把底色全部 選取.....

2009-06-06 16:55:51 補充:
2, 選好左之後, Right Click > 反轉選取 > 拷貝的圖層 > 然後去圖層選區度 禁走 background 隻眼仔, 甘你應該 而家見到 退左底既 frame , 個底係透明既....

2009-06-06 16:56:05 補充:
3, 跟住你去開你張相出黎, 由於 frame 係正方形, ...你同張相 resize & Corp 先...(你呢個 frame 既 中間大約你 1600 x 1600 度)

2009-06-06 16:56:20 補充:
4, 開新檔案 > 3500 x 3500 , 透明 > OK . 然後 用 mouse 拖張相去新圖個度, 再拖埋 Frame 去新圖度...對好位

5, SHIFT + CTRL + E ( 合拼可見圖層 )

6, Save as a new Image , format select jpg > Done. ( pic 4 )

Pls try , hopes this help...

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