
2009-06-05 5:23 pm
(請用英語序述) (用英語演講形式更好)

回答 (3)

2009-06-10 2:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Generally speaking, Hong Kong people may encounter some common problems when learning English as a second language. I’m here to highlight just several of them to you and give you some suggestions.
Before going into details, I would like to emphasize that apart from ability and methods, the crucial factors for your success are your mindset (心態), determination and perseverance.
Do not expect to find shortcuts for learning English. All the elements you can think of about language learning are necessary --- vocabulary, sentence structure, tense, grammar rules, pronunciation, and so on. The difference is the priority or focus of learning you set for them. So, learn the scope of language that is most relevant to your study or job.
1) Tense
First of all, as Chinese language has not much to do with “Tense”, Hong Kong people are conceptually weak about the usage of “Tense”. In Chinese, we just make use of some specific wordings to tell people about the sequence of time.
e.g. 曾經/己經 (represents Present or Past Perfect Tense), 將會 (represents Future Tense), 正在 (represents Present Continuous Tense).
2) Conversational English and Accent
The second thing I’d like to say is, we are lacking a real-life English learning environment to practice conversational English. If you can make friends with foreigners, it is a good opportunity for you to improve your English. Otherwise, watching English TV programs or movies is the only way you can choose. With the aid of the Chinese subtitles (字幕), you can easily get an idea of what the program or movie is about while you are watching. Record your favourite programs or movies and watch them repeatedly until you can hear every single word of the script. Let’s look at what someone shared with us their own experience in their blog.
看YouTube學英文 (blog)

(Answer continued on comment column)

2009-06-10 06:47:41 補充:
Learning is a life-long process; it should be regarded as a part of your life. Time is a necessary evil for learning but practice makes perfect (熟能生巧). This is a golden rule. It really works!!

Conversational English

2009-06-10 06:48:21 補充:
Everyday English in Conversation

3) Chinglish 港式英語
No matter how hard we try, our English may tend to be Chinglish as we are not native English speakers. Be aware of this and try to avoid it!!

2009-06-10 06:48:44 補充:
No More Chinglish, please! 不要再說港式英語

Unit three: 中式英語

蕭愷一 (blog)

2009-06-10 06:49:21 補充:
A correct way of learning, without proper guidance, will not work as effectively. So, you’d better seek a good tutor and classroom learning unless you are proficient enough to master the basics of self-learning.

2009-06-10 06:49:39 補充:
Self-learning methods

English and Chinese are two different languages. You’ve got to compare them to identify their similarities and differences before you can achieve better learning.

2009-06-10 06:50:23 補充:
1) Etymology (詞源學)- Learn more about how words are coined in English (造字)

Some English words were formed by attaching prefix or suffix. http://www.macroevolution.net/suffix-prefix-dictionary.html
Some are compound words. E.g. The free service is available on a first-come-first-served basis.

2009-06-10 06:50:53 補充:
Some are Portmanteau. (= Blended words i.e. two existing words are blended to make a new word).


E.g. breakfast + lunch = brunch; smoke + fog = smog; motor + hotel = motel; camera + recorder = camcorder; web + log = blog

2009-06-10 06:52:09 補充:
2) How to make use of a dictionary?

When you look up a word in dictionary, try to learn more about it:

e.g. its different meanings, the related parts of speech…synonyms 同義字 and antonyms反義字 etc.

Learn to make sentences by referring to the examples given.

2009-06-10 06:52:48 補充:
3) Make sentences by relating the unfamiliar, newly- learnt words to the familiar people or things around you so that you can easily memorize those new words.

E.g. James is moody 情緖化, but he is always ready and pleased to help others. 樂於助人

2009-06-10 06:55:11 補充:
4) Find several partners from among your friends or classmates and play word games with them. Make it more fun and develop more interest in it.

Have you ever come across this message in TV commercial? “Learning opportunities are everywhere, but are you ready for them?”

2009-06-10 06:55:26 補充:
Don't give up!! Wish you all the success!!

2009-06-12 13:39:21 補充:
Some more information:

Just like Chinese language, there are also onomatopoeias(象聲詞) in English.


2009-06-07 9:36 am
COSMO 現代生活英語課程 & 商業英語

CEF 持續進修基金課程

上堂書本 & CD一套 : 分6個Level

B1 / B2 15小時完成 合共90小時 + 10小時 = 100小時 (人對人學習)

課程讀10個月 2.5小時一堂 每週一堂 , 每月4堂 , 合共 : 40堂

星期一7:00-9:30 / 星期六3:00-5:30 另外10小時活動(每月唔同主題) 堂上 & 户外不同活動

15-20人一班 外籍導師 / ABC , BBC (全英語上堂) 聼,說,讀,寫 課程有3年經驗

堂上課本 : 藍色 / 紫色 (6本)home work / 紅色 : 文法,Grammar,寫作 / 一set CD Listening

課程學費$16800 Cash / 支票 / 信用卡 可24個月分期 每月約600元

報名(按金$500或以上) 6月中至7月頭開始報名


1.需付合年齡滿18 2. 80%出席率 3. 入學最低要求中4以上

10-20分鐘分班試 10-15分鐘 即日預約 電話英語溝通 (導師與學生)

完成課程, 自可考BULATS公開試 - 商業英語考試 - 英國文化協會考試

BULATS 劍橋大學出的考試 考試費約$300幾元

只考會話 100分滿分 最低要求 46分或以上

課程除了以上外, 課程有6個考試, 6次機會考校內試 online test 上網站做線上測驗

Level 1 - Level 6 淺至深 (Reading,listening練習) pass 50分或以上 考 MC / 筆試

導師會教授+幫助學生如何去考試 & 改善學習中的錯處正確改正.


IELTS 國際公開試 for 升學 , BULATS for 日常生活,工作上





另外,為了配合實際生活工作需要,課程亦著重於辦公室;客戶銷售;會議討論;業務報告等商業英語題材,做到真正的職業英語培訓,提高競爭能力,實踐 <活學活用>的理念。



脫貧先要搵工. 唔增值自己又點同人鬥?

以上兩個課程既證書都係世界認可! 真係好底讀!
無論你本身係咩學歷都可以報讀, 上課時間彈性
有意或想知詳情請send msg我!!

有意可聯絡我email上方 yahoo.com.hk!!
參考: 自己.....
2009-06-05 6:16 pm
If you want to improve your english, firstly you can read the english story books which you are intersting, when you find some words which is new to you, use a book a write it down and read one times everday, this will increase your volcaboury.Secondly, you can read the english newspaper every week one times, to read the interesting item which you like most. Thirdly , you can watch the english TV programe with chinese translation listed, you can record it and replay many time to hear how do people spreak , this will increase your ability in listening english, and you can spreak together after listening, this will improve your oral too.
參考: love

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