How to deal with inconsiderate neighbors kids?

2009-06-05 12:22 am
All the houses across the street have kids. These kids ALWAYS play on the street whenever they can (usually between 1pm- 7pm) without parental supervision. They always play skateboards, riding bikes and tend to shout REALLY loud. I understand they're kids and that they are very energetic and that their parents don't wanna spend all the time watching them. I'm OK with that.
BUT, I realized that they never pay attention to others' properties when they're having fun. I've seen them bumping into things like mailboxes, garage doors, cars etc.
To make things worst, they've been very addicted to water/bottle rocket recently. And OF COUSE they don't always shoot toward the empty places.
Since their houses are quite close to mine, their kids always play near my garage.
I get nervous whenever they start shooting the bottle rocket because I've got several pits on my garage door already. I never caught them actually damaging it ( and I'm not sure if it was these kids who did it) but it just somewhat concerns me.
Is there anything I can do?? I don't want to talk to their parents or making complaints because they're just kids so I don't wanna really disturb them, plus I'm a new resident so it might get complicated.
What can I do on my side to alleviate the problems?

回答 (4)

2009-06-05 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get a BB gun or a paint ball gun. Hide in the bushes and fire off a few rounds when they start getting wild. They'll stop.Also, be certain not to get caught as you may end up with a few angry parents at the door. It would be best if you could hide on the opposite side of the street so that it prevents them from thinking it could be you.
2009-06-05 7:43 am
you could TRY to ask them not to shoot rockets at your house and just try to be careful but they will probably just say ok and damage something rhe next day :P
2009-06-05 8:17 am
That is a difficult situation, as trying to do the polite thing and talk to the parents of these children could get ugly. Parents tend to look down on ANYONE who talks badly about their children and quickly take things personally which could cause things to escalate quickly. I recommend if you live in a place with a Home Owners Association that you lodge a complaint there and if that is not the case you could always contact your local law enforcement through a non-emergency number and lodge your concerns there. It might not do anything but at least you might feel better for having voiced yourself to someone.
2009-06-05 7:30 am
suck it up and talk to their parents, either that or get a mean dog

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