A difficult maths question?

2009-06-04 2:11 pm
There are 20 terms in an arithmetic sequence.The sum of the terms with odd numbers is equal to 220.The sum of the terms with even numbers is equal to 250.Find the two middle terms of the sequence.

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2009-06-04 2:21 pm
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the odd terms are
u1 + u3 + u5..... u19
a + a + 2d + a+4d .... a + 18d
10 a + 90 d = 220
a + 9d = 22 (1)

even terms are

u2 + u4 + u6 .. + u20
a + d + a + 3d ... + a + 19d
so 10a + 100d = 250
a + 10d = 25 (2)

from (2) - (1)
d = 3
a = -5

therefore the two middle terms:
u10 = a + 9d= 22
u11= a + 10d = 25

notice that terms u10 and u 11 are equivalent to (1) and (2)- we needn't have calculated a and d
2009-06-04 2:32 pm
If it is an arithmetic sequence, then it means that each term increases by a constant step (let's call it k)
such that the first number is
a01 and the last number is a20
and the terms go like this

a01 = a01
a02 = a01 + k
a03 = a02 + k = a01 + 2k
and so on.

even terms added together:

a02 + a04 + a06...
(a01+k) + (a01+3k) + (a01+5k)+...
10(a01) + (1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15+17+19)k = 250

odd terms added together:
10(a01) + (0+2+4+6+8+10+12+14+16+18)k = 220

subtract one from the other
even - odd =
10(a01) - 10(a01) + (1+3+...+19)k - (0+2+...18)k = 250 - 220

(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)k = 30
10 k = 30
k = 3

Now we need to find a01. Use either one
(let's use odd)
10(a01) + (0+2+4+6+8+10+12+14+16+18)3 = 220
10(a01) + 90*3 = 220
10(a01) = 220 - 270 = -50
a01 = -5

Sequence must be:

-5, -2, +1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52

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