Do you agree that intelligence and knowledge are very much two separate things.?

2009-06-04 9:33 am
You can have all the knowledge there is about a subject but is it intelligent to believe in that knowledge? Many religious folks will type quote after quote from the bible when they are answering atheists question? Does that show much intelligence?

Wow not a single answer to the main question which was Where is the intelligence of the religious folks who answer atheists questions with quotes from the bible???


LILLYFLOWER You didn't finish reading the question or you didn't get the connection as far as why would religious folks answer atheists questions with quotes from the bible? If they don't believe in god why on earth would they believe what the bible says?? lol

回答 (22)

2009-06-04 10:48 am
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Knowlege has limitations and boundary but intelligent is versatile, for instance, one can be knowledgeable on a particular subject such as in religious belief but not intelligent in other aspect of life. One can read the Bible and understand it, but have problems in reading other English subjects.

Intelligence gives one special intuition to critically handle issues suitable to evaluate rightly anywhere and any time. It is a developmental process. It gives one previlage to right decision-making and accommodate others. It gives one a wisdom and ability to do things.

Resources: Power of Positive Thinking.
2009-06-04 9:38 am
That is why I say, "I hear the voice of a spirit that claims to be God™."

There are alot of times that I am quoting Him.

Not always. But alot of the time. I rarely quote that book.
2009-06-04 10:11 am
As a matter of fact Yes! It does show intelligence because the people who write their opinions hope for someone to gain knowledge and understanding of what they know. Putting in an effort into helping someone else with a question. So little you know and so much more you need to learn my friend. God is (Love, Generosity, Faith). These people who take the time to answer your questions about God are being Generous to you in giving you feed back. They take your questions as sincerity. You are using them to get a laugh but in reality, You are the joke because your mind isn't open to other possibilities so you in short have gained nothing from being narrow minded and cynical. Intelligence is gained only when the Receiver is willing to have an open mind and an open heart to hear and read all possibilities without passing judgment. Those are the intelligent and knowledgeable individuals because they have room to grow.
2009-06-04 9:47 am
Intelligence generally refers to the ability to acquire, generate, and use knowledge.
2009-06-04 9:45 am
They're not nearly seperate because intelligence is how you use your knowledge. Knowledge is like the food and intelligence is how your body uses it, like for example, you jug, you walk, or you play.

I think it does. It's how religious folks connect things from the world to the bible. I think that's using your head to win a soul to Christianity. How can they believe Christ when they don't influence his very words?
2009-06-04 9:40 am
well knowledge is just stuff you know whereas intelligence is your ability to assimilate information and make sense of it. spewing meaningless bible quotes isnt really having knowledge at all if you cannot understand them and pretty useless if the only thing you understand is the bible.
2009-06-04 9:39 am
there are actually two different types of intelligence. One is the "being quick on your feet" intelligence and the other one is based on knowledge. Psychology 101.
2009-06-04 9:38 am
It is kind of like quoting from Marvel Comics to prove that Spider-Man is real.

"With great power comes great responsibility"--Amazing Fantasy 1:15
2009-06-04 9:37 am
Knowledge is having facts, intelligence is knowing how to use them, at least in my opinion so it sort of matches yours, and in this example the bible quotes does not show intelligence as they are meaningless to someone that does not believe in the bible
2009-06-04 9:37 am
Completely different. Very simply put, intelligence is how you utilise knowledge - in much the same way information is useful data.

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