
2009-06-05 7:38 am
第日我報左警拉左佢 錄晒口供

(但對方未轉擔保) 如果我銷左佢會唔會查我有冇防礙司法公正架?



回答 (2)

2009-06-06 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
根據現時你的情況 , 報警話某人偷左你電話既係你 ,要銷案既又係你 , 但係又講唔出乜原因唔想告某人 , 警方好大机會告你 " 浪費警力 " 但唔會告你防礙司法公正既 , 因為未到撿控的法律程序 , 請考慮清楚點處理 .
2009-06-05 11:11 am
Once the case enter into legal procedure, it cannot be withdraw, it is the prosecution (the police) who can withdraw, but no one can make the prosecution to withdraw unless the case will have no ground to sue or persuaded not to sue .

In your case, it cannot be withdraw by yourself due to the fact that the case is already within the legal procedure, you cannot ask the police not to sue, you had no control over the case but the police does.

Since you cannot intercept with the legal process, the question of intercepting with the course of justice does not excited.Even if there are, I don't see the intention do not want to continue to sue will disrupt or upset the course of natural justice.

The accused on bail or not also make no different to the case.

Please look for professional advice, I am not responsible for any fault on the above advice.

參考: Personal Opinion Only

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