
2009-06-05 6:27 am
Dear sir,

回答 (6)

2009-06-06 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir,

本公司先在此深切致歉, 我們之前因行政混亂導勞煩貴公司多寄來一批貨品.
經再次檢查後發現先前的貨品其實沒有問題, 因此現在本公司連同貨品寄回貴公司。

如有不便, 敬請原諒。
Dear Sir,
First of all, our company deeply regrets causing you trouble for requesting an additional batch of products to be delivered, as a result of our administrative confusion.
The previous batch of products was re-checked and it was actually found that there is nothing wrong with them. We are now, therefore, sending them back to your company.
Please accept our apology for any inconvenience caused.


2009-06-06 12:46:23 補充:

Regret is very formal when it is used to apologize
• I deeply regret causing you offence.
2009-06-06 5:31 am
Dear sir,
The Company in this deeply apologize first, before we take the trouble because of administrative chaos guide your company from a group of more goods, by the re-examination of the goods previously discovered in fact there is no problem, so now the Company, together with the goods sent to your company.
If not, please forgive me.
2009-06-06 4:16 am
Dear sir,
The Company in this deeply apologize first, before we take the trouble because of administrative chaos guide your company from a group of more goods, by the re-examination of the goods previously discovered in fact there is no problem, so now the Company, together with the goods sent to your company.
If not, please forgive me.
參考: google
2009-06-05 7:12 am
Dear Sir,

We would like to apologize for any trouble brought to you. Of the administrative confusion, your company had re-shipped the products to us again. We have investigated the matter and found that the products are in good standard. Therefore, we are going to ship back those products to you.

Please accept our apology for any inconvenience caused.

Yours Sincerely,
2009-06-05 7:04 am
We deeply apologize for the inconveniences we have caused. Due to the administrative confusion, we had asked your company to send us a batch of products. After the re-inspection, we found that the previous products have no problems at all. Thus we will send them back. Thanks for your understanding.
2009-06-05 6:36 am
the company first before we extend our deepest apologies, due to administrative confusion import bothered to send your company more than one shipment, checked again, i found the goods in fact, there is no previous problems, so now the company together with goods sent back to your company.
If there are inconvenientday, inconverience.
參考: me

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