may/might not and could not

2009-06-05 5:53 am
may /might 既意思係有好大可能係會發生既野啦
could 既意思係得好細機會會發生既野

1. 宜may/might not 既意思係有好大既機會係唔會發生既野

但may/might not 係唔等如could

2. 宜could not 係有好細既機會係唔會發生,姐係有好大既機會係會發生,感又同may有咩分別?

但係could not 係唔等如may

回答 (2)

2009-06-05 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
may means 可以(possibility)

can means 能夠(ability)


May I go to toilet?

我可唔可以去廁所? (True)

Can I go to toilet?

我能唔能夠去廁所? (Wrong)
參考: Me...................Teacher
2009-06-05 7:54 pm
我想大約你對could, may, might的了解並不大準確
現引牛津【Practical English Usage】一段作為解釋,但首先討論may, might和can,再講may, might和could
a.may, might和can
  在肯定句中,如要表示某事的確會發生或可能發生,不能用can,而用may/might/could。我們用can來談論一種較為籠統的或較為理論性的可能性(=It is possible to...)。試比較:
-There may/might be a strike next week.(=It is possible that there will be...)
下週可能發生罷工(不能說:There can be a strike next week)

Strikes can happen at any time.(=It is possible for strikes to happen...)
-I may fly to Amsterdam on Tuesday.
One can travel to Holland by boat or by air.
 Can that be Mike?I thought he was in Greece.(那可能是邁克嗎?我還以為他在希臘呢)
 Jake's getting married?You can't mean it.(傑克要結婚啦?你不是當真的吧)

11.may, might和could
 War could break out any day.( 或War might...)
 You could be right.(或you may...)你可能是對的。

我們可以知道,講論某事可能發生,我們可以用may, might, could而不能用can

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