
2009-06-05 5:41 am
本人洗機之前把電腦入面既相全部放哂入一個file再放入一隻usb入面 但係洗完機之後我一開個file 佢就話[捷徑A file參照的磁碟機或網路連線無法使用 請確定插入的磁碟機正確 而且網路資源可使用] 咁應該要點先可以開到個file

回答 (2)

2009-06-14 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
....如果file係 0 kb....咁就乜相都無啦...
2009-06-05 10:31 am
it seems you are send/create a shortcut on your USB Drive... would you double check on your USB Drive, the file which you try to open...is it only a shortcut ? this mean when you click the file on your USB Drive, it will linking to your photo's source file , and able to open.
Once you format and reintall your windows system, all data has been lost, when you click the shortcut on your USB, it's not able to find the source file on your Hardisk...it's seems deleted.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:40:05
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