
2009-06-04 8:14 pm
1) 你明知道會這樣為何還要去做






回答 (3)

2009-06-04 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) As you know the consequence, why you still do that?

2) Do it by yourself.

3) I am like this.

4) I don't know either, maybe you should ask others.

5) I wonder why I will do this.

6) He has gone for work, maybe you call again later.

2009-06-04 10:24 pm

you know it! why you still do that??
you have to do it on your own.
i am who i am!
i am not quite sure. please check others.
i don't really know why i am doing this.
he/she gone out for work. maybe you have to wait a bit.
2009-06-04 10:15 pm
1)You know why do we need to do so
2)You have to make their own
3)I was such a person
4)I am not quite sure, you ask others you
5)Do not understand why their
6)His / her work out, or let you wait again.

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