Why answer a question when you know the asker doesn't want to hear your answer?

2009-06-04 4:21 am
Considering you're pretty sure they're just going to pick the person who agrees with the insinuation in their clearly biased question in the first place?

回答 (39)

2009-06-04 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because there are others here who may benefit. I don't answer trying to get "best answer", I answer so those ready to hear reason will have something to read. Otherwise, all that would be here is pandering and theistic nonsense.
2009-06-04 4:25 am
That would mean we couldn't answer 98% of the questions on R&S.
2009-06-04 4:25 am
Because....someone else might be searching for an answer.
2009-06-04 4:26 am
I usually answer the questions for the benefit of other people who might read the answers. I know the person asking is just a troll, but maybe someone who is reading the answers really does want to know the answer to a question.
2009-06-04 4:25 am
Sadly there are a lot of baited questions on here.

But you need to give them their medicine and answer anyway.
2009-06-04 4:24 am
cuz they need to hear truth!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-06-04 4:26 am
A truthful answer may be useful for others.
2009-06-04 4:26 am
Because I'm obnoxious.
2009-06-04 4:26 am
Cuz other people besides the asker read the answers. And yeah of course they are gonna pick whoever agrees with em. That's human nature.
2009-06-04 4:25 am
...That means that I'd pretty much be quitting R&S. I find it entertaining to answer crazed fundie questions.
2009-06-04 4:26 am
Because it is a question. And the asker is asking for answers....doesn't matter which one they pick, they asked!
2009-06-04 4:26 am
I wonder sometimes. Often I get half way through an answer, and then think "why bother" and delete it all. Some days I just have more patience than others I suppose.
2009-06-04 4:26 am
2 points
2009-06-04 4:26 am
Did you know we get 2 points for a question we answer?
2009-06-04 4:29 am
Because you will never know until you answer the question.
2009-06-04 4:28 am
Because even if they don't agree with it, and won't pick it for BA, at least they read it. Maybe something I said will have an impact, maybe it won't. But at least it's out there.
2009-06-04 4:27 am
why bother asking a question when youre only looking for a certain type of answer? at least some of the people reading the question and answers will have many different views by the end of the page
2009-06-04 4:27 am
I'm sure they still want to here other people's opinion even though they don't agree with it.
2009-06-04 4:27 am
1. Everyone is free to an opinion or point of view.
2. Everyone is free to get points.
2009-06-04 4:31 am
If that's how you feel, you might as well leave R&S right now. This place isn't about being afraid who will like your answer, it is about offering your opinion.
2009-06-04 4:26 am
My sentiments exactly!
2009-06-04 4:29 am
Well, for one thing, I've been surprised before. There have been times where the asker, while seeming Quite angry at first, Thanked me for my answer later.

Also, in general, there are more IDs/users involved than just myself and the asker. So, Especially when someone is Clearly trying to run someone/something, Especially me/my beliefs, into the Ground, I see it as my chance to give an Answer to ALL who view the question.


Wow, I get to give Frog E a Thumbs Up, Cool:D

I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I think, around 80% of the "questions" I see now supposedly to/about Witnesses are really just rants, and I realise that quite often the asker will pick a rude answer, that supports their views, BUT, as I said before, I Still think it's a good idea to give a Correct answer, and whether they REALLY want my opinion or not, if someone asks for it, I'm quite likely to give it.

A few times now I've even seen an ID run itself into the ground, because it becomes Quite Clear to ALL who care that the user isn't REALLY asking questions, but just ranting.
2009-06-04 4:51 am
It's interesting to see if just maybe someone will select an argument that they don't necessarily agree with yet is the most convincing argument given.
參考: I accept that I'll get alot of thumbs down for my responses most of the time.
2009-06-04 4:45 am
1. 2 points
2. Perhaps they have something to say on the topic or think they might have valuable advice (having been in a similar situation).
2009-06-04 4:40 am
I think this question is biased.
2009-06-04 4:35 am
That kind of question gives you the opportunity to be a smart-****. Don't waste the opportunity.

Heh, I've just learned that yahoo doesn't like the word, 'a r s e.'
2009-06-04 4:34 am
Cuz you never know when it will be you having that one thing to say that will reach the asker and change their opinion. I think most of us all want to be that one person that changes the mind of another.
2009-06-04 4:34 am
That's why we're here! lol Because we have tired out the people in our families with our opinions and help, and YA is another place we can go to give expert advice!!
2009-06-04 4:34 am
for the two points!
especially in the YA sections where emotions are highly contentious and argumentative
2009-06-04 4:33 am
maybe one day they would change their mind! I usually try to answer in a way that will let them think and use their mind to judge ,more than to give them direct answer,people seem not to like the idea of telling them what they should do!!
2009-06-04 4:32 am
That is not true.
參考: We all gain information even if we pick the answer or information we had hoped for. It is all about who answers the question right or wrong. Usually people pick the answer they do not want to hear.Why? because it gives them a different perspective.
2009-06-04 4:32 am
sr8 up
2009-06-04 4:31 am
For the benefit of all the other readers.
2009-06-04 4:30 am
i agree with you on many levels, but i don't think best answer is the goal here of this website
i don't care if i get to level 7, y!a is a good outlet for my thoughts, and i sure as hell have learned a lot, thanks to those who answered questions even if the asker was biased
2009-06-04 4:30 am
God can use an unwanted answer to help someone. Maybe open their mind and heart to another opinion or a better solution to a problem.

Being selected as best answer is not important to me, it is helping people that matters.
2009-06-04 4:30 am
Because it's not all about the asker
I have used Yahoo Answers before about questions that i had that someone already asked and just read the answers they got
2009-06-04 4:29 am
Because seeing my words in print makes me feel like an author.
2009-06-04 4:31 am
Mostly because Yahoo Answers isn't their blog. People sometimes get these questions and answers when they do a search on google, and all the answers (including the non-chosen) are shown. There needs to be some representation.
2009-06-04 4:28 am
Well, sometimes it's fun to find out how many thumbs down you get. My personal best so far is 7 :P

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