how many ppl smoke ? and if so..?

2009-06-03 9:36 am
how long?
do you wish you never started?
do you still enjoy it?I
If you hate it, are you ready to quit?
do you think you can quit if you are not ready?

回答 (32)

2009-06-03 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
almost 3 years
i guess
2009-06-03 9:40 am
i smoked for like a week but then i quit.

i can tell you like 98% of people who smoke started around age 14-15 so they can look cool around all the other kids.....most kids at my school smoke and i think they should really grow up. but thats just my opinion.
2009-06-03 12:08 pm
I'm 43
I've been smoking since I was 8!
I wish now I hadn't started!! Too late though
I do still enjoy a cig with my coffee, (I drink coffee all day!!)
I've tried to quit, but can't, I'm like a bear with a sore rs when I've no cigs!! The only problem is the cost!! I smoke between 40 - 50 a day, so it adds up a fair bit when you think it's £5 per pack of 20!! I think to stop, you really have to want to, it's like going on a diet and giving up all your favourite foods. I do that regularly, (yo-yo dieter, lol) but when it comes to giving up cigs, I've no will power at all!! It does relax me, it helps me to calm down when I'm stressed, so for now I'll keep going!!
2009-06-03 9:53 am
i had a puff from one davidoff cigarette wen i was around 15, haaated it,.. left a bad taste in my mouth for ages, aside from the taste i felt guilt. all my other friends love smokin they do it all the time. i dont think ill ever smoke i find it a nasty habit, n ya 5 of my friends died from smokin, som jus smoke a cig once in a week, some smoke like 10 packs a day.. so yeah both types of smokers were my friends n both died.. so that basicaly added to my reassurance that smokin doesnt end up very well
2009-06-03 2:29 pm
age - 32
how long - About 17 years
do you wish you never started - Of course
do you still enjoy it - The habitual cigarettes, yes. I'm now at the stage where I'm ready to stop for good though. I feel enslaved by them & don't enjoy that feeling one bit.
If you hate it, are you ready to quit? - I'm already planning my quit date & have got support from the nhs stop smoking team.
do you think you can quit if you are not ready? - People tend to think they can quit at any time but sadly fail. It has to come from within & you have to want to stop. I feel as if I'm ready & plan to give it my best shot.
參考: Experience
2009-06-03 12:26 pm
most of the time. The price is too high, they do smell so strong when you by someone that dont smoke, not to mention coughing, flem, a wheezing sound and bad breath!
You know im ready to quit but not just yet
2009-06-03 9:39 am

Age 20
Smoked for 4 years
I wish I never started, yes
I do enjoy it
Not quite ready
2009-06-05 12:12 am
I don't smoke my farther does.I am 13 years old I will never smoke I think its retarted to smoke and the people that r currently 10,11,12,13,14 that started it should of never started.If you r 10,11,12,13,14 and never started don't start! Also the people say they can quit anytime I would like to see you try.I know for a fact that it is hard to quit for most people
2009-06-03 6:23 pm
smoking can be enjoyable but quitting it is not that difficult.
those who enjoy it are a lot but once they hate it they put it away at once.
it doesn't need any preparation to quit smoking.
2009-06-03 5:01 pm
I'm 17, started when I was 15.
I do wish I had never started, however in France everybody smokes especially young people like me.
I still enjoy smoking, especially after meals. The cigarette you take just when you're done eating is soo good.
I don't feel like quitting right away, where I live and go out people smoke all the time and I don't feel like I'm doing anything too wrong.
However the fact that smoking yellows your teeth is not a myth!!
參考: me
2009-06-03 9:45 am
age? 11
how long? 5 years
do you wish you never started? No not really
do you still enjoy it? yes very much
If you hate it, are you ready to quit? no i love it
do you think you can quit if you are not ready? i can quit anytime i want but i don't want to.

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