
2009-06-04 7:09 am

回答 (3)

2009-06-04 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Regardless, it make no difference.

You have to take the written test for all situation. However, since Hong Kong is driving on the left side, some states may not allow a conversion and will need you to retake the driving test again.

I will say just focus to get a new license instead as it is easier in procedure (and you don't really have to learn to drive again).

2009-06-06 9:13 pm
you have Hk driver lincense, but do you driving a lot in HK?
if yes, you should be very easy to get the US driver lincense. don't worry, the written and road tests should be very easy to you.
now US driver lincense is used as personal ID. so, get one it better than without.
2009-06-04 10:59 pm
如果你已經有香港車牌. 可往運輸處申請一個國際牌. 帶一張 passport 去及比 $80 即取. 但有效期只伙一年. 如果你計劃每年放暑假都會返香港的話. 就年年換 lor. 唔使係個邊考 ka la. 但如果唔係, 就要考過 ka la. 不過考過或學下車都有好處既. 因個邊係左軚嘛. 路牌及方向, 法例都有唔同.

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